It wouldn't be Friday without a funny!
Keep up the good work.
NYC was last weekend witness to shock scenes at an audition for America's Next Top Model as a panic-stricken crowd of hopefuls stampeded through Manhattan, scattering designer bags and expensive shoes in their wake as law-enforcement operatives attempted to restore order. The media line on the pandemonium is that it was …
Thats one of the best yet
"A Massachusetts woman, who's been parked on a sofa outside the Top Model audition all night the better to secure an early spot in the castings has, after an excess of liquor, decided to impregnate her wife with a plastic syringe containing her brother's man juice:"
That alone got me some strange looks over the dividers in the office cos I laughed so hard.
But seriously can I get a job being Lester's prop manager? Pleeeease :-). I wont take up much space and I'll only come out when it's time for the playmobil re-enactments.
@Lankydude: Of course an online lesbian publication got the scoop. I thought everyone knew that super models and lesbians are like ham and eggs, just a natural pairing (so to speak).
"Wood was, sources say, cloned from a small fragment of DNA taken from a dress used in 1953 classic Glen or Glenda."
How did they know, I mean really know, that DNA came from Ed? It might have been Dwight Eisenhower's for all we know.
/mine's the one with the used cigar in the pocket.