back to article Wally found on Street View

On releasing Street View UK this week, Google set users the challenge of finding "Wally", the elusive, bespectacled children's cartoon character, somewhere in the UK. Within hours he was clocked: here he is loitering outside the O2 shop on Putney High Street: Bit easy that, Googlers, although a mildly diverting distraction …


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  1. Martin

    *says something about

    waiting for a bus on Slade Road being equivalent to "pissing in the wind"*

  2. Matt

    What a shocker

    As if it were going to be in any other city.

    Somewhere in the UK - that kidney shaped country encircled by a border called The M25.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Dead Vulture

    That's "Waldo."


  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    In before

    In before privacy activists use the second picture to imply that street view is both evil and wrong, and that people pissing in the street, in broad daylight have a reasonable expectation of privacy.

  5. Nick
    Thumb Up


    I drive down Slade Road dailys, and always thought it was a bit of a shit hole. Now it's also a piss-hole too.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Down


    Erm that wally has a stick and mangled legs, you sure its not just a badly dressed stick enabled person ?

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    Did you swallow a dicshunary

    Micturition!!!!!! You're taking the piss... right

    Paris, no micturition vid....... YET!!!

  8. Hans

    @ Martin

    Is the expression "pissing in the wind" somehow related to the expression "getting your own back"?

  9. Hans

    Oh Jeez, that was me

    I've just realised on looking at that bus stop, that was me.

    OMG, I feel Google has "caused me mental suffering and diminished the value of my property."

    (OK, so the cold wind had already diminished it somewhat)

    Does anyone have the telephone number for the Boring lawyer?

    EDIT: Dammit, that line should have read:

    Does anyone have the telephone number for the "Boring's" lawyer?

    Hell, I don't want to be snowed under with telephone numbers.

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Down

    Slade Road

    Hilariously, I work a short distance from the Slade Road Pisser(tm) location. Can't say I'm suprised to see something like that occuring.

  11. IHateWearingATie

    Not surprised...

    I used to live just off Slade Road - that's one of the better things that used to happen at the bus stops.

  12. Simon Preston

    Only the classiest people in our fair city.

    I used to live just up the hill from Slade Road and Spaghetti Junction. Can't say that photo surprises me nor do I miss the area.

  13. Chewy

    another wally buying an iPhone


  14. Anonymous Coward


    Was it a cold day?

  15. Riscyrich
    Thumb Up

    I wish...

    .... that I knew when google maps were going to be in my area, then I could paint something on the front of the house. What exactly I'm not sure...

    Answers on a postcard to El Reg

  16. GrahamT

    @that's Waldo

    No It isn't. He was originally Wally, (1987) and is in many countries. Only in North America is he called Waldo, and last time I looked the UK wasn't in North America.

  17. Anonymous Coward

    Plod found on Streetview

    Just saw a police car behind the Google voyeur-mobile in Manchester's Peter St. Which makes me wonder? How many times were the Peeping Toms stopped by the Police to be (a) told they can't take photos round here and (b) asked to delete the offending photos?

    Mine's the one with the forcibly erased SD card.

  18. Hans
    Thumb Down

    @ Graham T

    Since when has UK not been part of North America, or US to be exact?

    Methinks you delude yourself

  19. Anonymous Coward


    Huh. Learn something new every day.

    Thanks for straightening me out.

    The scarf should have tipped me off that he was a Brit.

  20. Britt Johnston
    Black Helicopters

    all in a day's work

    Google have pre-announced their drive through Switzerland, but not the starting date.

    Presumably, the announcement improves the chances of being seen to be doing no evil.

  21. Chika

    Pissing in Birmingham

    Too much Cup-o-Soup, was it?

  22. Anonymous Coward

    best friday in a long, long time

    and that's no wee thing to do!

  23. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    Oh No!

    Unless I'm mistaken the guy watering the lawn is probably not an English gentleman. In other words he's a foreigner (I'm guessing). If so google are going to be in some sherious sh1t real shoon now.

    Because we aren't allowed to take the p out of foreigners, are we?

    Paris because one can hope that you might catch her having a tinkle at the bus stop.

  24. CaptainBeaky

    ey up Cocker............

    He was clearly bostin'

  25. BioTube


    Since 1776 when we got tired of the Brits freeloading off us.

  26. Dougal
    Thumb Up


    Slade Road - students from Aston uni rent houses out up there. I lost count of the number of times I saw "ladies" being arrested up there, houses being raided and general riotous activity. Still, there was only the one murder in my time there.... Pissing on the bus stop is probably one of the more respectable things people have done there - plus at least he did it outside, most piss heads up there just piss on the upstairs seats of the 65....

  27. stuartinl

    I found another Wally/Waldo...

    I knew that there was a Wally cardboard cutout in Angel, Islington and found it on street view on Thursday,-0.102112&panoid=ete6XrOmZwJ5k0iGeRTz-A&cbp=12,288.87591037587424,,3,3.257403189066058&ll=51.536159,-0.103887&spn=0,359.99058&z=17

    Therefore, do I win? :p

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