Let's hear it for China!
Great place, great government, Tiananmen Square will always stand out as a shining example of a moral crusade. This crack-down on audio porn can only be welcomed in a country where families get evicted so their homes can be demolished to make way for an olympics village, where ugly kids are excised from the record if they're singing at an internationally televised event, where every other factory produces fake-this and fake-that, where organised crime goes all the way up to the government and hundreds die every year as part of the enlightened capital punishment programme (well, when they're not dying from melamine in baby food or various epidemics the government refuses to publicise lest it reflect badly on Communism.)
Yeah, China. If it can stop naughty books then everything will be fine and the Communist/Capitalist revolution, ensured.
Back in 1995 we were on a business trip to San Francisco and took our then eight year old son with us. We stayed at the Mandarin Oriental in the city's financial district, round the corner from the Bank of America building. One afternoon the three of us were out for a stroll and saw these two huge black limos outside BoA and a party of Japanese businessmen (obviously VIPs) getting into them.
We walked back all of 500 yards to our hotel where, surprise surprise, the black limos were disgorging their passengers. Turned out the Japanese businessmen really were VIPs, they had top floor suites above the sky bridge, $600 a night even then.
We let them use the elevators first and they thanked us in a language we couldn't understand and when our son asked us what they'd said, I told him it was "thank you" in Japanese, at which point one of the hotel duty managers who happened to be standing behind us said: 'Oh no, they're not from Japan. That's a delegation from the Chinese Communist Party, Beijing."
Way to go, China: keep the peasants poor and the citizenry oppressed / repressed whilst hogging the black limos and the $600 a night suites in running dog capitalist America. It's what Communism was always about.