back to article Panasonic Lumix DMC-FS7

The sub-£200 digital camera market is a cutthroat sector with big-name - and not so big name - companies launching a plethora of models that offer an impressive range of features and an even more impressive performance. In other words, if you want to be a winner, you’re going to have to offer something that’s just a little …


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  1. John Macintyre


    Shame there's no indoor/low light pics. I have the DMC-FX37 which is a nice little model but the noise in low light/indoors is appalling. I have to manually force the shutter speed and iso levels to get anywhere near a decent image sometimes. outdoors is ok if i don't zoom in too much but I'm not overly impressed. would be nice to see what this did in comparison so i might dig around for more sample shots...

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Plenty of lurid colours to track down

    including a dark blue 12M Pixel???

    and a pale blue unbranded version??

  3. John


    seconded on the lack of interior sample shots. Daylight vs indoors is a huge difference.

    I like the consistency of the euro, the blue door and the cathedral as standard samples, but I'm not such a fan of the general composition. the camera seems to be pointed downward a little too much for me.

  4. Peyton

    need more info

    I have shaky hands - does the image stabilization bit work well? (or does it just crank up the ISO) I'd love to find a decent pocket-sized camera with this, but it's always hard to find info on it in reviews (not just here - everywhere - darn photag reviewers and their ability to take good pictures without assistance :p )

  5. Wayne

    Shutter lag

    El-Reg - could you please include shutter lag times when doing camera reviews?

    My biggest problem with most compact cameras is the shutter lag, but some are miles better than others.

  6. K

    RE: @ Peyton

    I'd highly recommend the Panasonic TZ5 model, got awesome some and great stabilisation.

  7. A J Stiles

    Another missing statistic

    Another missing statistic: How many mm² is the sensor array?

    The bigger the array, the more light you can capture before reaching saturation. More light captured means better contrast at low ISO, and lower noise at high ISO. In fact, the better the picture. My old Fuji 2800Z (1.92MPx) with a freakin' huge array took noticeably better pictures than many 4MPx cameras with smaller arrays.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Film grain mode?

    Almost, but not quite, entirely unlike film.

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