RE: Re: RE: Re: Even the Sunshiners have to finally admit Sun is a Norweigean Blue.
Hey, I'm sorry, AC, I missed your little tantrum, probably due to the tears from laughing so hard at you Sunshiners.
"....No. I have more than that. I just thought it was the most obvious...." Hmmm. Looks like you should brush up on your witty repartee whilst you're updating your CV.
"....I could make other guesses too..." OK, I'm guessing more personal attacks, some vague accusations of geekiness, etc, etc. No chance of a reasoned argument as to why you think IBM buying Sun is a good thing.
"....Such as you are under 40....." Close, but no cigar. Not sure if that is some type of insult in Sunshiner Land - "You're so under 40, dude!" Can't quite see it catching on myself. So, still a big fat zero score for the Sunshiner.
"....You are not a team lead...." Still zero!
"....You have not spoken to the "executives' at your company, no matter how much you say that you have, on anything more important than "can you please pass the cream"... " Actually, I don't take cream in my coffee. And I talk to members of our board at last once a quarter. Can you even name your board members? Doubt it.
"....That last one was a bit of a stretch...." To be honest, all your posts fall in the stretch category!
"....I could be wrong there...." Are we talking about your ramblings regarding Slowaris or just your fantasising about my job?
".....but my guess is that the "Execs" took less from the discussion than you did...." Well, usually they take a lot of advice, they happen to expect it, it's what they pay me for.
"....Let me think then -...." Ooh, this should be a novelty for you - thinking! Try not to over reach here, I wouldn't want you to strain yourself.
"....Your "mates", that you talk about all the time, indulge your ranting, but deep down they wish you would go away. You have attempted to "hang out" with your "mates" at the local pub, but when you get there the discussion quickly dies while you shout down anyone that has an opinion different than yours. Arguing is a fine past time at the pub, but that loud guy with all the opinions gets real boring fast...." Still waiting for the thinking bit, dude. Try again, only try a lot harder. Has the Sunshine bleached all the originality out of you?
"....The part about the pub may actually be backwards. I am stuck between you going to the pub and no one will talk to you, and what I wrote above....." Blah, blah, blah. Are you sure you have the time and mental capacity to spare for these posts? I'm kinda concerned you won't be left with enough of either to write out your new CV, for when you go looking for your next McJob.
"....Any of this sound familiar Matt?...." Well, there were these two little kids screaming at each other in the local playground the other day, and their insults did sound very much like your stumbling thoughts. Are you going to call me "boogerface" next?
"....Maybe it's not all true, but this is the picture that you've painted. I have some other views on your withering life if you would like to hear them. What a lovely life you live." <Yawn> Have you finished yet? Sorry, I nearly fell asleep durig the last bit, it was just so boring. Instead of sulkily trying to insult me, I think you should really be more concerned about how your life is going to change now the Sun is so finally setting. Instead of venting all this bitterness, you should be looking for ways to move forward, build new opportunites. Just for you, 'cos I care, I'll post it again....
/still pointing, still laughing!