Lawyer - schmoy-yer?
The legal begal is probably getting paid by the Ruskies anyway yes?
It is for crown court judges (not lawyers) to decide whether the spirit of a law has been allegedly breached or not.
But it does raise an important question:
If an organisation asks you if you are willing to make a purchase where there exists a good chance that the (say downloaded software) products were obtained and made available illegally (some doubt exists that the purchase and only the purchase can prove one way or other) is it breaking the law when knowledge or doubt exists?
Or does ignorance not count as an excuse?
Investigative journalism?
Bad law?
Bad phrasing in a law with utmost good intent that compromises the spirit of the law?
Eager lawyer out to make quite a bit of additional dosh always assuming that the Ruskies have not got there first?
I think the law lords can rule too (additional heavy income for the lords and legal 'experts' in these *anking sector credit folly induced times)?
Maybe the briefs pal will make a formal complaint thus ensuring several million of tax payers spondooliz end up in the -ahem- legal sector?
Should the Beeb end up in the dock maybe el reg could give helpful instructions for people wishing to take the matter to parliament?
No answers?