What's wrong?
Is he an albino with contact lenses and a dye job or has working on the horror that is Vista sucked the life out of him? If only anyone cared even the tiniest bit.
Apple is smitten by the admittedly strong guitar stylings of Jim Allchin, the former Windows chief who gave up a life of programming after Vista to pursue his love of music. Allchin's debut album, Enigma, has snagged honors on the iTune's store as one of Apple's "What We're Listening To" recommendations. Microsoft and Apple …
"The ex-Windows boss' album is available at fine music stores everywhere — we assume in Home stereo, Business intercom, Business stereo, Express Deluxe Boombox, Ultimate Computer Speakers, and Basic Premium Headphone editions. ®"
This is what we pay El Reg for!
What do you mean we don't pay them ... is there a revenue stream here we're not involved in?