Apologies to Baldrick
His little false USB finger looks like a willy. Which is ironic, because my willy looks like a little USB finger.
The line between man and machine is now slightly more blurry, thanks to one Finnish bloke’s decision to replace a missing digit with a USB Flash drive. USB_finger_bloke_01 Jerry Jalava's prosthetic finger hides a USB Flash drive inside Jerry Jalava, a software developer from Helsinki, had the top part of his finger …
I know this is the "digit"al age and all that. But am I the only one wondering which appendage will be the next to get "digit"ised. Guess it should first be "Bobbit"ised.
There was an old article about artificial testicular transplants, which rounded off the subject with "these are more ornamental than functional". I feel said implants can now be made functional - maybe for data storage. Or perhaps stick a processor in and include it in the "cloud". Or probably as a spare charger for your mobile. Whatever floats your boat...
Loose the use of one hand while accessing data. And don't sneeze in the middle of a save.
Why not just stick a stick behind the ear now we have all stopped smoking and using pencils?
Or find a convenient orifice (keep the lanyard on or a trip to the ear/nose/throat specialist or the proctologist may be in order).
As the girl in Running Man said when asked where she smuggled the data tape: "None of your business"
He stores a small USB memory stick in something he puts over his finger-stump -- so either he types one-handed or it can be removed, so it's hardly part of his body.
What he needs is a inbuilt WiFi detector with a red LED that flashes faster as the signal becomes stronger -- that would have me reaching for the hatchet.