"I had the best Harley in town"
Thought that was a 1970s euphemism for a moment.
A right-wing Australian politician has protested that nude snaps published (NSFW) in Oz's Sunday Telegraph are not her in a state of advanced undress as captured by a former boyfriend back in the mid-1970s. Pauline Hanson, a former fish-and-chip shop owner who in the 1990s enjoyed a degree of celebrity as founder of the anti- …
It's Hanson. The hideous make-up and boxer looks are still the same. I've seen bigger boobs on a garden sparrow
I don't know what she is bleating about, her flagging racist party could do with a little media "exposure" right now.
I'm voting Paris coz she's a babe and not a boot, oh and no racist politics either.
I'm really surprised Hanson was allowed back into politics after she got jailed for fabricating membership levels in her party in order to obtain funding.
She's the Oz equivalent of the National Front - I just wish people wouldn't keep giving her the publicity she craves.
"The pair were drunk - Hanson on Passion Pop, Johnson on IMPORTED beer."
So it's all the fault of foreigners! What Aus needs is a more right wing government to protect its population from the effects of degenerate imported beer.
Paris, because she'd never get drunk and do a nudie photo session with anyone
It's all very well putting a NSFW warning, but what about a 'BWTUS' (Beaten with the ugly stick) warning?
Just because some of us can get away with looking at nudie pictures during our working day doesnt mean that we wish to look at naked munters. You have put me right off my coffee.
See, maybe it's because I have a strong stomach for visual atrocities, but I've never looked at any picture of any healthyish naked person regardless of gender, relative attractiveness or size and felt *nauseous*. How does that work? I think there is some fibbing going on. Either that or you are all tremendous blouses or tragic souls who should probably investigate the source of that Pavlovian "non-perfect naked people *ewww*" response in therapy.
(Yes, I know she's a big old fascist, but aesthetically she looks no worse in those pics than, say, Rumer Willis. Does she?)
how is it possible for someone to be as much of a minger *40* years ago s they are now...even Anne Widdecombe looks better at that age. *regurgitates his meat pie floater* The worst thing is I have a recent chance of bumbing into her...thats worse than tubgirl.
Warning...because I wish I had headed it.
'aesthetically she looks no worse in those pics than, say, Rumer Willis. Does she?'
I have no idea who that is but have already reached my quota for unattractive naked people for the day so can't bring myself to google him/her/it...
My comment was mostly tongue in cheek (oo-er) as although my girlfriend is a goddess (I kid you not) I am hardly the most perfect physical specimen myself. You should all be thankful there are no naked pics of me on t'interwebs. Just on DVD... 'Flabby, tip-ex white sys-admins gone wild!'
Could someone please explain to me why this is an issue? It seems that whenever pictures or a video is released of someone having sex, society in general says "Oh my, what a tramp! Let's ruin his/her career/life!" Why? You didn't think the person was celibate, did you? So if you already thought the person was sexually active, then why do photos or a video affirming your assumption cause any reaction at all, expecially a negative one?
Similarly, and more to the point of this article, why does a person posing nude thirty years ago have any bearing on their career/life today? Even if posing nude is taboo to you, you have to admit that people change, and people can change quite a bit in thirty years. Add to that the fact that young people often do things without thinking of the consequences, and you're likely to find things that would be out-of-character with who they are when they're thirty years older.