So it has Twin Ion Engines then
Where have I heard that configuration mentioned before?
Not so far far away then.
The long black cloak, and the full helmet.
A new European satellite which will fly aerodynamically through the extreme upper reaches of the atmosphere, using ion rocket propulsion to maintain orbital speed, has been held up on the launch pad with just seconds left on the countdown. Artist's impression of the GOCE spacecraft in orbit The ion ship, buffeted by upper- …
Are you trying to tell me that the way the rockets are commanded to launch in Russia is by someone leaning out of the control tower door and yelling to someone on the launch pad, "Yep hit the button Yuri!"? Why would a door not opening in the control tower cause a failure to launch? Thats like saying someone farting in the general direction of the space shuttle prevented its launch due to high winds!
Whats the real reason el reg? Enquiring minds demand to know!
Perhaps they meant the bay doors to the launch tower. Perhaps this launch tower is a re-purposed missile silo, or purpose built that way in order to defend against difficult weather or the like. I would imagine if the personnel door to the control tower was stuck, they would probably not abort the launch - especially with only 7 seconds until ignition.
Lift isn't the problem. The craft is traveling fast enough around the earth that it "falls" in an arc the same diameter as it's orbit. The problem is drag at that low an altitude, so the wings would actually make the problem worse.
The Ion drive is to keep the speed up once it's in orbit. It doesn't do any lifting.