Is it me or have they put a coin inside the shuffle? What for? Are they just showing off now?
Want to see the inside of Apple's new iPod Shuffle? Those crazy take-everything-to-bits guys at iFixit.com have pulled one apart to satisfy your curiosity. iFixit Shuffle Disassembly The bundled USB cable shows just how small the new Shuffle is Images courtesy iFixit.com The disassembly reveals that most of the Shuffle's …
So, if you can't change the track without using the Apple earphones, this means:
* You can't plug it into any speakers
* You can't plug it into any MP3 car kit
* You are stuck with Apples headphones
* You cannot use any of those portable MP3 speakers.
It's a piece of junk, at least the old clip had a clip, this is completely useless. I would have to have a second MP3 player for the times I want to plug it into speakers, or a computer or the car and if I'm carrying 2 iPods why would I need this one?
The original shuffle was a bit of a star for audio types because it was the only one to include included a proper (buffered??) amp that could drive bass through some big headphones. I guess those times are long gone.
But really, apple are doing this a) because they can b) because people will buy it.
Pointless for most, but hey, that's progress ???
If there's a demand for it, I'm sure Griffin, Apple, or somebody will make an adapter which as the control on the cable, but replaces the headphones with an audio output jack.
However Apple do produce other options which do have the ability to dock with external devices. If you want an iPod with button controls and a discreet audio out, just buy a iPod mini. Simple.
Complaining that the nano doesn't have buttons is a bit like complaining that a BMW Mini doesn't have the same size boot as 5 series estate.
"If you have your own, expensive headphones or are some of audiophile, why are you looking at a Shuffle anyway?"
To each their own. For gym use the 2nd gen shuffle was pretty much ideal for me, with a ~£15 pair of Sennheiser CX300s it sounds as good as any portable mp3 player I've ever heard certainly better than my nano. If you are so fond of the crappy apple buds I've got three sets still in their wrapping I can sell you.
Apple are being very clever here.
The headphone controls are (essentially) the same as the iPhone controls. A quick look at the Apple Store shows you that these headphones are pretty pricey, so it seems pointless to buy some headphones that double the price of your Shuffle.
So, might as well buy a Nano. But you still have some crappy headphones.
Sooo, the obvious answer is to buy an iPhone. At which point the expensive headphones with inline controls don't seem too expensive.
And seeing as you've got these nice headphones that include inline controls, you might as well buy a cheap Shuffle. After all, you wouldn't want to damage your iPhone while at the gym.
Apple are _genius_. They've managed to sell you an iPhone, expensive headphones, _and_ a Shuffle, when all you went in for was a cheapo MP3 player!
Paris, 'cos she knows how to sell herself.
"Complaining that the nano doesn't have buttons is a bit like complaining that a BMW Mini doesn't have the same size boot as 5 series estate."
Old model of the Mini could go forwards AND backwards.
New model of the Mini goes forwards AND backwards.
Old model of the Ipod shuffle could plug into speakers and still go forwards AND backwards.
New model of the IPod shuffle can't.
This is a crap idea. It's a step backwards.
Apparently it's not a simple control either, it needs a special security chip:
So this would be the first MP3 player that you need to buy special kit to plug it into any amplifier, any car MP3 plug, any speakers.
I own an iPod Touch and it's a nightmare. It only works through iTunes, iTunes is constantly upgraded, installs all manner of USB drivers and network drivers, your iPod needs to be matched to the version of iTunes you use, so when you try to get your files off it, you find you cannot.
It's a DRM disaster! By the sound of this, this shuffle is a new low in DRM locking. DO NOT BUY IT. What use is an iPod that cannot be plugged into an audio system?
@AC: There is nothing 'digital' about the remotes in recent Apple headphone cords. EFF is talking absolute nonsene. The "authentication chip" is completely made up by an iLounge editor who really should know better; in any case he could have had he taken an Ohmmeter to the device.
It's a rather simple scheme where two contacts (iPhone uses these for the mic) are bridged with a resistor if yo push a button. Simple to replicate by any 3rd party, as has already been done numerous times for the iPhone kit.
There is nothing Digital, and nor Rights/Restrictions Management about these things. Pplenty to complain about in the new Nano but not this.
"It's a rather simple scheme where two contacts (iPhone uses these for the mic) are bridged with a resistor if yo push a button. Simple to replicate by any 3rd party, as has already been done numerous times for the iPhone kit."
I don't believe you, I do believe the iLounge people because Apple has done this repeatedly with the docks and because of my personal bad bad bad experience with the Touch and it's damn iTunes lock.
Apple and it's chips are why this video cable costs $40:
Also because the same socket supports USB and so I assume it is digital.
Myself I hope this is a big flop, $80 for a device that can't plug into speakers, has no screen and will cost an extra $30 to simply buy a cable with an authentication chip in it to let you plug it into speakers, or a car MP3 player or an amp? Am I supposed to carry this cable everywhere too, or do they expect me to 3 or 4 and leave them in my car/speakers/amp???
What a piece of junk.
You can argue symantics all you like, but it is still an attempt by Apple to lock people into using their hardware only (or approved hardware). Sure there's a bit of media spin, saying that it will protect the consumer from shonky quality gear, bears and paedophiles, but at what price? The standard gear is rubbish, the aftermarket is better, but will cost even more once licencing fees are paid to apple.
Out of the box you get a music player that is tied to 1 PC, using 1 software package, and can only be listened to using 1 set of headphones. What if I simply want to plug it into an amp/speakers/car head unit?
So much for the old Apple catch cry of "It just works"