@Leaps of logic for uk.gov
Well they want to put minimum prices on Alchole (coz it's bad mm'kay)
Use tax to disuade you from doing anything they or their sponsors don't like (smoke,drink,drive,fly)
(look to) Make things illegal based on no evidence what so ever (extreme porn, cartoons)
Ignore science when their dogma says otherwise (drugs)
Blindly enact law that devistates our global reputation (much of the anti terror legislation)
Place child offenders with foster families that have children (it's too hard to check these things mmm'kay)
the list goes on and on,
however back to WoW,
I can see our puritan overlords wanting to "deal" with it on several levels.
1) There are children and adults in the same location, therefore everyone should be vetted.
2) It is possible to send communications to people all over the world, this means it should be monitored becouse you it could be used to form underground networks terrorist/peadophiles/bdsm/train spotters.
3) At least one "scientist/guy" has said that it's a dangerous addiction like crack, that means it should probably be banned, controlled, taxed or/and have a minimum fee.
Anyway, yeah the UK wont let China be ahead for long.