Hang up, or investigate?
So the official advice is to "hang up straight away". Great. They clearly don't have any desire to actually track down those responsible.
Britain’s financial watchdog has warned former customers of dotcom ISP Totalise to guard against “Recovery Room” share fraudsters, following a Register investigation. Before going bust in 2002, Totalise PLC offered people who subscribed to its dial-up internet access the extra incentive of free shares in the company. Although …
"helping business owners realize their objectives from the sale of a company is a complex process that requires specialized skill, knowledge, judgment and resources". ..... That is where they went wrong. The secret of making an Absolute Fortune to Bamboozle and Energise Moribund Ponzi/Over Leveraged Markets, as you may imagine the present "Troubles" to be, is in the exact opposite ..... Helping business owners realize their objectives from the creation of a global trading company which is a complex process that requires specialized skill, knowledge, judgment and resources aka Savvy but in Street Vernacular, it is considered balls.
And there's one very particular and peculiar race who know all there is to know about dealing with "Troubles" ... and they're all over the place, wheelin' and dealin'/bobbin' and weavin'/duckin' and divin'. .......... and it is never about who you can screw and how often, it is all about how many you can help and so seldom.
Or would you Care 42 Dare and Disgree and share Arrant Nonsense?
I live in Pittsburgh. A friend in the UK said their father was contacted by http://dolcotemanagement.com/relatedarticles.html based in Pittsburgh, and would i take a look.
They have a mergers and aqc web page, plus investments. All basic web template stuff.
This address would be a bad physical place to set up a criminal activity, it is about one block away from the FBI office :-)
"@amanfromMars ..... OK now I'm really worried. Not only did I read and understand your comment, but I think I understand and comprehend your import...." .... By Juan Inamillion Posted Thursday 12th March 2009 16:26 GMT
Juan Inamillion,
If that be the case, you should really not be worried or worrying, at all. Elated maybe, but definitely not concerned. It has certainly brightened my Sunny Day. :-)
I have also been approached by Peterson and Jones Associates (12 March 2009). They claimed to be trying to buy a marginal stake in Lupus Capital plc to help a client with a hostile takeover.
It seemed obviously a scam because they were offering such a high price, they could have bought the whole lot in the market (if Lupus still exists).
I listened wondering where the sting was and I suspected the fleeting reference to a temporary 'insurance'. I wondered if the NDA would also enable some sort of identity fraud, but the information requested seems pretty innocuous.
Anyway, thanks, Register for confirming my suspicions.