What this is really about
is the re-regulation and centralised control of information distribution, and so it is Big Media as well as governments that want this. These entities would love nothing more than a return to the past where all broadcast news, entertainment and information was controlled by a select group of big companies, all of whose leaders have political agendas to push.
The openness of the internet, in giving everyone both a voice and unrestricted access to alternate viewpoints and thus undermining attempts at mass propaganda, is anathema to these people. How best to bring it back under control, than to allow the vast majority of the public to access only the big companies' and government's websites where the flow of information can once again be safely controlled? Even if other websites are still permitted, what's the good when only those prepared to pay exorbitant prices to see them, will be able to? The majority public will once again get their news and entertainment from carefully controlled sources and propaganda and social engineering will be unopposed and unopposable.
I might point that there are people even here that are quite happy to have their information regulated in this way, like AC "It all depends really" with his/her:
"if they want to allow a business model where ISP's can offer FREE filtered Internet access (maybe to allow access to main news websites and government/council websites), that's alright with me too."
Now think about what you just said, AC. If it's FREE, how many people will go with that rather than pay for an internet connection where they can read opposing viewpoints? What would you think now if this was in place and you could see Phorm's website but not Dephormation.org.uk, because you only wanted a free connection? Would you have a problem with Phorm still, given that you (and most of the rest of the world) now have only one side of the story? What chance would we have of opposing Phorm and other atrocities if those who oppose them can now reach only the few who actually bother to pay for an internet connection?
No, the very thought that this is even being discussed makes me sick to my stomach. So much for the informational freedom the Internet brought us. It was only a matter of time.