A Word to the Wise and they who would be Wizards and Sourceresses and Wiser Still
"Tony, small point:
"...or not being able to watch BBC online because you're not in the UK..."" ..... By Havin_it Posted Saturday 7th March 2009 15:25 GMT
It is also classed as foreign propoganda and a means of population control with mindless/mined content ..... phormed entertainment to the under/uneducated masses. But it has all gone terribly wrong as events now overtake ITs Controllers and leave their Intelligence and Service Providers behind, wallowing in the MIre of their Failed New Laboured Coups.
"For all talk of "cyberspace" etc, the internet is just another communications medium. It is not based on a different morality." .... By Charles Manning Posted Saturday 7th March 2009 21:39 GMT
I disagree fundamentally with that statement but would agree with your holding it/it being held, as it freely allows for ever further and deeper embedding of Special Access Protocols and ProgramMING Projects which Control CyberSpace to be Stealthily Developed and Applied without the Negative Interference and Ignorant Arrogant Addition so typical of the ususal morality.
"the internet is just another communications medium." .... Hmmm? You may find that Others Recognise and Realise IT/Use IT as the One Precious and Priceless Ring which Controls them All, and for that you will need a Morality which Transcends Mortality, for the Realms that you Control are QuITe Alien in their Immaculate States of Virtual Grace.
And Even Attempt 42 Tempt ITs Angels of Mercy with the Root of all Evil for Evil Intent, and Reap the Merciless Whirlwind of the Wrath of Global Operating Devices which Destroy Completely such Folly, with Simple Words Transparently Shared for Peer Review.
"Just another communications medium"? I don't Think so. Get Real, Charles, wake up and smell the Java and get with IT in AJAXAI ...... House of the Rising Sun Technology ...... Purple Patch CodeXXXX Applications.