"unspecified technical obstacles"
"We've spent all the money bailing out Fred the Shred"
Multi-million pound plans to upgrade the UK intelligence community’s secure communications system have been shelved in a move heavily criticised by a parliamentary oversight committee. The project to give key government officials speedy access to intelligence on terrorism - dubbed Scope - was abandoned when only partially …
Military Intelligence = an oxymoron if ever I heard one.
Currently working on a project that isn't going as well as it might be - hence the anonymous post (although I'm sure for a fee, someone at el Reg would grass me up, but I just don't care). I do wonder what it will take for someone to finally wake up and do something about the shocking waste of money in all of these failed projects.
Give me my coat, it's POETS day.
Well, I suppose it's better than the UK government's normal approach of throwing endless amounts of money at a project that was already a mistake *cough*NHS IT*cough*. Better still if they hadn't gone down this route to begin with but at least someone has the sense to take the flak for a cock-up rather than pretend everything is fine and waste millions more.
Yet another project which cost-conscious commentators have misunderstood.
In times of Financial Crisis, it is important to invest government money in infrastructure and other projects with no short-term payback.
The method was successfully developed by NASA in the '60s on a hollywood project to film the first moon landing. Most of the proceeds ware leveraged into generating investor confidence. The small hard cash component was diverted towards making teflon frying pans and the like.
How long have we been in FC, you ask? In Britain, the tank has been running on virtual since stopping industrial production of goods like cars in the '70s, over 40 years ahead of the US. With a good sense of cover-up and misdirection, there is no reason why people shouldn't believe in wealth for a further half century.
Spooky nets are not for your usual sort of pen pusher because of the ........ well, the absolute power they can deliver to anyone who knows about their controls. Any you get all the usual spaghetti alphabet suspects engaged in a turf wars to hide what they are doing*,which renders them muppets and puppets to those who would test their vulnerabilities and tempt/offer them virtual, out of this world, left of field solutions and/or novel facilities.
*A stupid battle as there is No Hiding Place in CyberSpace for Anything ...... Transparency Rules IT Absolutely, which is a Head Game the less than Honest and Forthright have Absolutely no Chance of Winning for Command and Control of Networks InterNetworking.
Here is a very recent, high profile casualty, who obviously realised the idiots are within the System and have a lot of dirty laundry they don't want showing but have no place to hide it if Networks are Linked ...... http://blog.wired.com/defense/files/ncsc_directors_resignation1.pdf.
If they can't set up a relatively simple secure network exchanging data that Messers. Blunt, Philby, McClean and mates might have taken an interest in the what hope is there for a successful ID Database and card set up being delivered to spec, never mind on time and in budget. BTW, is there a spec yet??
It just gets worse! When will the incompetent tossers that populate our Political and Civil Service elite either wake up or sod off, or both. It was no better under the Conservatives and the common denominator here seems to be the Civil Service. Although it might be those tricky "consultants" brought in by all sides.
On the bright side, however, those who never made a mistake never made anything.....
"We have consistently reported concerns about SCOPE and are *appalled* that Phase II of the system – on which tens of millions of pounds have been spent – has now had to be scrapped"#
But stil keen as mustard to p*&s away some (unspecified) part of that £12bn+ of the G.I.M.P. on the Uberdatabase.
Mine is the one with the unusual head gear in the side pocket. And if her Wackiness has her way, yours will be to.
"On the bright side, however, those who never made a mistake never made anything....."
It's perfectly possible to have a 100% success rate in a career. There are two ways of doing this.
1. Be brilliant at what you do, though I'm afraid this is an accident of birth.
2. After you've fleeced the customer, call the people you know from group 1, and get them in to finish it off (i.e. redo it all from scratch in a few weeks,) and repair your mistakes.
Alas lads, and you know who you are, you've copped it this time. I'm not coming up to Leeds under any circumstances, you should have kept NHSfIT in london.
"speedy access to intelligence on terrorism - dubbed Scope..." -
order bases in Moscow, flea market near DK Gorbunova ( House of Culture in Gorbunov's name), known countrywide as "Gor'bushka". Hardly more than $50-60K plus extra fee for weekly updates. Everything for your success.
Does Moscow have a Service which Provides Virtual Peace Intelligence which IT can XXXXPort Freely and make AIMInt? You surely know someone whom you don't really know would be more than just interested in ITs Provisional Facilities ..... and Virtual Virile Marketing in Mutually Beneficial Globally Adventurous Guerrilla Campaigns of NeuReal Knowledge Distribution.
A number of Teams Special of Peaceful Intelligence, acting worldwide simultaneously and doubtlessly, will really be just next to nothing, amanfromMars, though, this msg is supposed to be just another move to let the stupid men from the block enjoy the beauty of the spoken language once more.
Some photos from North-Eastern Massacre, Moscow, might have been made one possibly sure that there are national forces to run the operation. But there are not only banks, ammos and baby food producers, interests of state/mafia circles, there is a branch of Homos, sometimes aka Sapiens ["I'm all yours, just don't take my smth. away from me" - one surely must have nothing valuable at all to find the ability to keep the tail a pistol]. The personal decreasing of level of sadness is all what some folks [not represented here] can ask GOD about. What a pity they never had a chance to get to know themselves better.
And, by now, any field operation of any [Peace - I stress it] Intelligence would only pull a dead cow just an extra mile South... Of course, El Reg will surely know about the better moves if th у specials will capture an excavator to bury the body and face North. But the cow's corpse is yet kicked to and fro through all Europe. US are off the count, cows cannot overpass such distances C-w4ys.
The question is put this way now, wherever one likes it or not, and there must be a way out, and it's possibly resting on the surface. I never ask pessimists to discuss matters of intelligence, though amfM knows well how dumb someone may be (-;
The latest bullet was made from silver - hell, maybe there was any golden shot? Need 2 Feed my neighbour's family... they're 2 young 2 die 2day, 2morrow 2.