What, no ZX Spectrum...
... to provide arpeggio Manic Miner accompaniment?
Bletchley Park's National Museum of Computing (TNMOC) has hooked up with "chip artist" Pixelh8, aka Matthew Applegate (pictured below), for a most unusual project - a musical composition in which the "instruments" are the museum's collection of vintage hardware. Matthew Applegate The work, entitled Obsolete?, features samples …
Hmmm, when I visited Collossus it was proudly wearing its "Year 2000 compliant" certificate, and it looked (and sounded) just like the Strowger exchange I used to work in. I was hoping the "Beautiful Music" would remind me of the constant chatter of register translators or the staccato rattle of the group selector rack, but alas not. Good effort all the same. Mine's the one with the Fred Goodwin Voodoo Doll in the pocket.
Always worth a listen. Including contributions from:
Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Guitars (rhythm & lead)
Epson LX-81 Dot Matrix Printer - Drums
HP Scanjet 3c - Bass Guitar
Hard Drive array - Act as a collection of bad speakers - Vocals & FX
that's be the performance rights society?
which supposedly collect payments to support the rights of artists to make sure that they don't go cold and hungry when pubs are playing their music, or bands playing in pubs are playing covers of their music...
I fail to see where in the PRS there is scope for funding new music.
So lame that I was inclined to call it a twatdangle, but it's just not up to David Blaine's standards...
Perhaps we could take Laurie Anderson and her tape-bow violin along with Pixelh8's and his performance of Obsolete? and hang them both upside-down in an ice rink. Now that, I'd pay to see...
Don't you mean:
10 PRINT "Fuck off!"
20 GOTO 10
RUN out of Dixons
I remember back in the day seeing a couple of bad kids do that on a C64 in WHSmith, and laughing at the puny efforts of the clueless shop assistants trying to stop it. In the end they just switched off the Trinitron TV!
I can't imagine kids trying to do that on some laptop in Currys.digital.
"Seem to recall that the Data General Nova we had at school (back in the days of teletypes and fast 300baud VDUs!) had a program (on paper tape, of course) that when run would play a tune that could be picked up on an AM radio placed next to it"
I was at a meeting of the Homebrew Computer Club in 1977ish when someone (Steve Dumpier?) demonstrated that trick with an Altair 8080. It took him about 30 minutes of toggling switches to get it to play "Fool on the Hill" or "Bicycle Built for Two". Someone watching (Roger Melen? There were a lot of CROMEMCO folks there that day, if I remember correctly ...) commented that it was the most useful thing he'd ever seen an Altair do ... Kind of sad commentary on what we were doing with computers in Silly Con Valley back in the day ... Still, onwards & upwards!
@Tim ... I dunno about the BOFH (I don't read that anymore ... it was boring and derivative of itself before it left Usenet), but I personally fired an engineer for purposely making a drive "walk" when I was at DEC ... Was NOT a good thing, tended to reduce hardware & media lifespans by quite a bit.
I just got a phone call from a friend who was at the same meeting. He thinks I might be right on the names I mentioned ... He also pointed out that I typoed "8080" instead of "8800" ... The processor was an 8080, the box was called 8800.
Regardless, it was the very definition of "flipping [switches] useless".
From tiny acorns ... Hang on, that's not what I meant! :-)
The same friend wonders why nobody has commented on the "music" of the machine room back in the day ... We knew from the sound of the card decks, the paper/mag tape, and the fan noise, the background of the blinkinlights, the printer chatter, and later the sound of the hard drives (and sometimes the overall smell) if all was well with the data center.
Times change. Hardware & software still suck. Life goes on.
You are right about the 803 being able to play 'music' via its built-in speaker. When I was at Bletchley Park in the 70s we used their 803 to play carols at Christmas - someone had produced a paper tape with a selection of tunes on it.
Note: the 803 that is in the museum is not the 803 that was in 'D' Block, I still wonder what happened to that one.
It all sounds like crap techno.
It doesn't matter whether the sound samples are from Colossus, or the Eiffel Tower, or Paris Hilton - by the time they've been fed through the limited imagination and even-more limited talent that Pixel8 brings to the proceedings, it all just sounds like more by-the-yard crap techno.
If dull bleep-merchants like him put 1/100th of the time they currently expend on self-publicity into actually learning a real instrument or two, they might produce something worth listening to.
Mine's the one with the Keep Music Live sticker on the back and Richard Thompson's '1000 Years Of Popular Music' on the ipod ...