Just me?
I read that as "stimulate all five senses to bring you the sights, smells, tastes, sounds and even feel of ancient Egypt, the Serengeti or Victoria Beckham"
Forget 3D TV - a conglomerate of universities is developing a virtual reality headset that’ll simultaneously stimulate all five senses to bring you the sights, smells, tastes, sounds and even feel of ancient Egypt, the Serengeti or Victorian Britain. virtual_cocoon_02 Virtual Cocoon: smell-o-vision and more Called Virtual …
"A device will be placed in the user’s mouth to stimulate a texture sensation, while "tactile devices" will help generate touch. Sight is - clearly - the easy bit."
yeah right, VR LOOKS so damn real doesnt it? video WILL be the hardest to do in REALTIME to fool us imho. remember cinema sfx (which almost look real now, its hard to see the joins in films like ironman in BR) take months to do...
...that the poor sods wearing these helmets won't notice they're wearing them?
Yeah right... I bet they weigh a ton. Give me a holodeck from Star Trek and I'll be interested.
"He hinted that the technique for smell delivery – developed by Warwick University – will also help to stimulate taste senses, because the two senses are so closely linked."
I wonder if Captain Cyborg had any involvement, I bet he's literally wetting himself in anticipation.
BTW, why hasn't there been any Captain Cyborg coverage lately?
Mine's the one with the Atari Jaguar VR Helmit in the oversized pocket.
"A device will be placed in the user’s mouth to stimulate a texture sensation, while "tactile devices" will help generate touch."
Is this being bankrolled by the pron industry? What about the other body part attachments?
(Am I the only one here with such a dirty mind?)
Very ambitious claims being made for this project. It will fail. But version 15 or 16 should be pretty good and by the time we get to v 20, we genuinely will not be able to distinguish between real and virtual; not without contextual clues at least...
Why's this version going to fail? Primarily because it's an external device. V 15 (or thereabouts) will be internal. But also if the developers agree with this report that "sight is easy" then they don't yet understand the problem. Why d'you think VR helmets haven't already taken off? Because anyone using them for more than about 20 minutes tends to throw up or get a massive headache. Why? Because sight aint easy at all. The problem is that they insist on presenting prefocussed images to each eye at about 3 inches.
The brains "accommodation" algorithm knows it's focussed on an image 3 inches away, but the data in the image only makes sense to the brain if the objects are several feet away (or more). This produces real cognitive dissonance and the nasty side effects.
Solving that problem aint easy; it requires abandoning prefocussed images and somehow presenting the eye with exactly the same data it would get in real life, forcing the eye to focus naturally instead of too short. There's a fortune waiting for whoever cracks that little conundrum...
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YUS!!! I've been telling all my gaming friends for the last few years that it's about damn time they revisited VR. The technology wasn't up to standard back in the early 90s though and eventually everyone just forgot about it. Things have moved on since then though! It's damn nice that they've finally decided to have another crack at it.