Microsoft doesn't operate in our frame of Reality.
They want business' to upgrade to Windows 7, even after having *just* attempting to screw them over with Vista.
What business owner in their right mind is going to want to lay out the cash needed to upgrade every computer in the company JUST to run a "bleeding edge" release from Microsoft?
Every company I consult for is still running "antiquated" computers (from single-core 1GHz & under a Gig of RAM, to single-core 2GHz & about a Gig of RAM) that, as far as Microsoft is concerned, isn't good enough to run Vista nor Seven.
(My brand new HP HDX18, quad-core 2GHz + 4Gig RAM + 64Gig SSD doesn't even rate a *FIVE* on the Vista performance scale, so what chance in HELL do the older machines have?)
In this down-turned economy, what company can afford to upgrade everything (that already works with, & is currently running relatively smoothly with, XP) to something that has known driver issues, known incompatibilities with existing software, requires thousands of dollars *per machine* to bring it up to the minimum specs required to run the OS with any form of competency ("snappiness"), & will require hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars *per employee* to retrain to use it properly?
(Your IT staff alone may break the bank, much less retraining your rank & file workers.)
Microsoft hasn't got a clue, it seems.
If a business owner already has a working infrastructure, what's the point in "upgrading" to something that, arguably, may cause them to go out of business?
None that I can see.
Yes XP is a pig, but it's a pig we know, are familiar with, and have already worked-out the kinks (for the most part) so we can work with what we have.
Vista's a pig that is still trying to find the bugs, can't get them to go away, & eats from the resources trough like a, well, pig.
Windows Seven is, supposedly, a "lighter on the resources" OS, but it's still in *BETA*, and there isn't a competent business owner on the planet who will throw away what they have, that they know works, on the "pig in a poke" that is Seven.
("Joke Alert" because if MS thinks that we're falling for this, the punch-line's on them...)