UK Tax Payers money funds HP Exec's Private Jet
While Brown is creeping over the pond perhaps he could call in on Hurd and say, hey come on some UK EDS'ers used to be Civil servants and provide the same overall IT service but cost only Millions. Now UK tax payers pay Billions $ into your stateside coffers, really good deal eh for the UK tax payer! and what about the £1 Billion NET profit made by EDS'ers for HP last quarter and you thank them with a pay cut, good move again, much appreciated.
So not only is UK Tax Payers money pouring into HP Stateside and Mumbai side and Chenai side and any other not so cheap HP sweat shop they can find to provide Browns IT systems you want UK workers to fund their bleedin Private Jets so that Hurd and his axemen can fly about in comfort thinking up the next devious plot, while the employees standard of living drops through the floor. Not only that, the off shore workers are brought on-shore to the UK en-masse to work on the Governments IT systems, while UK workers are Let Go (nice US phrase)
Questions about EU workers in the UK!! look a bit harder Brown! and look a bit further. You couldn't see the problems with the greedy finance system til it turned around a bit you, you can't see that treating your UK citizens like this will eventually back fire, if it isn't already!.