ok then
right, i work for currys.digital, as u are all aware, a part of dsgi
few things, the 'new format', is not shoving a currys and pc world next door to each other, throughout the county in almost every retail park you will have found the above sitting next to each other for years.
i see many of you prefer comet. our main rival they may be, but i have no bad words to say about them, i have a good friend who jumped ship from dixons (as was) to comet, and they havent seen anything in the last 3 years that suggest we are any different, and are both in a big heap of trouble, massive reductions in conversion and bad reports on customer service
this is where we are different, comet (so far) are not addressing this, dsgi are, but in my opinion, most the staff in my stores opinion, and on the dsgi staff facebook, really, really hate the new sales technique we'll call it....all about planting the seed in 'guests' minds, bringing things ti their attention, ten leaving it in there to be mulled over before bringing it back later in a sale...to bring this around, trying to get all staff to change their selling techniques, without any kind of staff feedback at all, is totally wrong, i may even leave or be fired for not using the new sales patter, thas how bad it is
it just realy annoy's me how many people have bad words to say about our company, you may have had bad experiences or received bad customer service somewhere, but that isnt everywhere, we receive a lot of letters from customers wishing to have their good feedback forwarded to head office (for which we never do since we get no recognition) , but its nice to see were doing our jobs well, but to then see the amount of shit people come out with on sites like this, plain and simple, pathetic.....yes we are struggling, but why attempt to kick us when we are down?
and vulcan v5, are you under the assumption that we earn commission??? well, we used to be, 3 years ago....what is it that you do may i ask? i doubt it is working in a sales driven environment, with little incentive, no commission, for minimum pay? but if you like wat you sell, you can get past that, as i do, the only thing that would get me to leave currys would be the pressure of having to work with the new selling techniques, or, that at 23 years old, i want more hours for better pay