@AC (@POPE Mad Mitch)
To add to ACs post above it seems like every time a technology comes along using radio people have said "you'll never be able to get the range". Whether this is in the context of good ("It'll prevent RFIDs being read from a distance") or bad ("You'll never be able to broadcast further than...")
I've heard the bizarre ideas that if you could the world would cave in, "coins would melt" and the singular quantum thingy would stop being so singular
Seems to me its been proven wrong everytime so far, long wave radio, digital radio, your mobile phone, satellite phone, college students reading entry passes from miles away....
What makes you think that these cards will be any different?
Also what makes you think range is even an issue? Pickpockets don't exactly work from the other side of the road but last time I looked they were quite real. Barclays just invented a new way of having your pocket picked which requires little skill, just wave a reader over peoples bums and no actual contact so far less risk
I can easily imagine a certain breed of criminal drooling over this one
Mines the coat that will always need to be stolen from the old fashioned way