"Bill Rammell reiterated the government view that the greatest civil liberty of all was the right not to be blown up, killed or terrorised."
What value does the right to life have? What's it worth?
It has no intrinsic value. It is, in itself, a worthless right.
Imagine you had only the right to life - the right not to be killed. No right to justice, no right not to be treated inhumanely, no right not to be enslaved. You have no right to complain, no right to free speech, or even freedom of thought. No rights or freedoms at all, except the right to life.
You are enslaved. You are tortured, partly to keep you under control, and partly for the amusement of your owners. You have your tongue cut out so you can't put your objections into words. Your food is drugged to deaden your mind, and prevent you thinking sufficiently clearly to work out how to escape from your torment. You are punished right or wrong, and hobbled to stop you running away, just in case you might try to run to freedom. You are raped, to force you to produce fresh slaves if you're female, or just for fun if you're male.
But you are never killed. You aren't even allowed the opportunity to commit suicide.
What is such a life worth? How valuable is this right to life the government prize above all else?
The right to life has no intrinsic value at all. It might even be worse than worthless.
But we don't just have the right to life. We have those other rights and freedoms. And it's those other rights and freedoms that put the value into the right to life.
Want to shut someone up? Kill them. Stop them thinking those horrid thoughts? Kill them. Deny them justice? Kill them.
So many rights and freedoms depend upon the right to life, that the right to life is consequently one of the most important, valuable rights there is. But its value is entirely extrinsic. It has no intrinsic value at all.
"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" - Patrick Henry
When this government keep eroding and undermining our various rights and freedoms in the name of protecting our right to life, they are perversely and absurdly devaluing the right to life itself. It is an absurd and perverse contradiction, to protect the valuable by sacrificing its value.
There are cowards who do not understand this, and who will eagerly sacrifice our rights and freedoms for their perceived safety and security. Well, they can sacrifice their own rights and freedoms if they wish, and sell themselves into slavery in return for what they think is safety. But when they seek to sacrifice our rights and freedoms for their own perceived benefit, they seek to do what they have no right to do. But since they are cowards, they cannot ultimately win.
Perhaps the most disgusting aspect of the government's position is that they themselves use the threat of terror, injury and death to justify taking our rights and freedoms away - they're terrorists! Terrorists by proxy are still terrorists, and that's what this government are.
"Live Free or Die: death is not the worst of evils." - John Stark
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