I work for the Carphone group and the first I heard about this was by reading the reg. the staff forum reps were not told either.
So let's see the media find out... the staff find out by email.... the forum reps find out.... oh wait they havent yet.
so the staff cannot go to the rep for more info , this seems backwards to me should it not be the reps, the staff then the media??
oh and they are also not giving pay rises this year but will give the staff a whole extra weeks pay if profit targets are met.
this may sound generous to those staff that are on hundreds of thousands a year, you know the people who don't really do anything, (the ones who manage the people who do) but to the general staff it's nothing.
within my area we are already earn less than half those in the same role in other parts of the group and for the last 3 years we have been told it will be sorted out and we will be brought in line lol not much chance now.
the only upside is that now I know I dont have to wait until april to begin looking for a new job.