What an Odious Arrogant Prig ...... Career Prat
As the Title may impart, I am no great fan of the Minister for Keeping Dirty Little Secrets, and would release, under a Freedom to Inform Act, the following Missive which he is Cordially Invited to Dismiss and/or Deny is True. And although it may or may not also be carried and displayed for the Register in another form by Austin Modine, ....."Still Waters Run Real dDeep ..." ... http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/02/24/obama_doj_files_to_dismiss_missing_email_lawsuit/ [for of course, moderation is a subjective art which can be called upon to serve different masters in so many cases] sharing in a dedicated-to-the-particular-and-peculiar-issue thread here, will make me feel better about a dire and grievous black act, which has no place in these modern/post modern times. We do not need dinosaurs and wafflers pretending to lead and wasting AIRtime, their time and our time, thank you very much.
"43. At 07:58am on 25 Feb 2009, amanfromMars wrote:
Good Morning, Jane,
It is hard not to conclude, and especially so in a time of national/international emergency and/or breakdown/manipulative monetary meltdown, that media was an active/proactive partner in all that has transpired by way of its conspiracy/associative complicity, whether in a bissful ignorance of their broadcasting role or in arrogant and malicious indifference to it, with key players who are given/whose chosen role provides by default, the global stage to present their views as to what is happening [in the world] and what they are going to do about it, which of course, will require the help/action of others who will be effectively "ordered" to carry out their tasks.
It is surely the height of criminal folly and an insult to Intelligent/Ignorant Man for an exact and truthful chronicle of [personal] decisions shared amongst a leading group of talking heads/conspiring-to-be-a-united-dominating-right-and-proper-voice voices, and which create and/or support Wars/Free Fire Rape Kill and Steal Zones, with the convenient cynical protection of a "legal" immunity to act barbarously with impunity, to both expect and stand up before the nation/world and argue the case for such decisions/decision processes/conversation minutes to be subject to Veto/Secrecy, with the added insult of claiming that a harming of democratic process or State Security in their disclosure, would result.
As our view of the world is phormed by what we learn remotely and experience personally and what Media shows and tells us, to not know of how that view has been created is to allow for a false picture to be shown and us all living in a manipulated virtual reality which is not true, with it servering to the personal needs/whims/feeds of those who are broadcasting their views.
To present Unrivalled Transparency and Freedom of Information will Guarantee that such a Perversion and Subversion of Intelligence and State for Personal Use and/or Abuse, does not and cannot Occur to have Us all Living in a Lie and Maliciously Fabricated Reality. And it is surely the Role of Media to ensure such Honesty exists or they too can expect, and quite rightlyso too, to be tarred and feathered with the same brush as paints the rogue peddler/warmonger/lying cheat.
And that is not anything anyone with Intelligence would want to achieve and richly deserve, although in such cases would Intelligence be missing and probably be replaced and described as First Degree, Malice Aforethoughts.
Jack Straw and the Government would be so here accused ... and the BBC has been hereby reasonably requested to carry the Charge into the Public Domain and Virtual Sphere for BroadBandCasting LOUD AND CLEAR, so that the Pantomime at Westminster and which is called Government all over the World, can be held Accountable for their Actions which result in the Reality of our Lives following Paths of Politically Incorrect Choosing to Death and Destruction ...... Booming Busts.
But one is never alone in either adversity or triumph, and such as is requested here is also requested of elsewhere and of others, and who would Play Media Mogul, with the following quoted piece sent to a flagship newspaper being one example, which we can easily check on to see whether Truth and Free Speech has been made Victim of Subjective Moderation and Censure in Support of Continuing Deceit and a Hostage to Secret Terrorist Interests and Imprisonment, for that is what is Peddled by this Government and its Strawman Veto, is it not .........
" "What can one expect from an incompitent government naturealy thier not willing to here thier misstakes in the public domain."
It is not mistakes they fear and try to hide from, it is a Catalogue of Crimes which amount to Treason.
Print and be Lauded, Mr Murdoch. England XXXXPects ......
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/politics/article5799257.ece "
I trust in Global Operating Devices that none of that is ambiguous nor should it be difficult to understand. And should there be any faults or omissions, then please feel free to amend so that no false impressions are given.
Have a nice day.
PS It may be uncomfortable reading but by House Rules, there is nothing submitted which can possibly have any grounds for complaint.
Enough is enough is it not, and the Micky Mouse Charade being Followed/Pimped/Broadcast deserves its Ignominious End so that we can Rebuild Nations on Dreams rather than Soldier on in Nightmares. After all, it is not as if it is not easily fixed with IT and Media and the Truth Leading for a Change you can Believe in.
And if you can't fix it with IT and Media, at least you now know of some who can.
And a flame to light your fire, and put a rocket just where it is needed?