It *is* easy being green, as long as you do *something*
Extrapolating: Don't bother to make energy generation greener, because it won't reduce the use of energy consumption of mobile devices - don't bother to reduce the use of energy in you mobile devices, because it won't reduce the use of energy in mobility. Don't bother to reduce mobility, because that hurts the economy and/or would increase the use of energy in desktop computing. Don't bother to reduce the energy consumed by desktop computing because you should be making energy generation easier.
Sheesh! In other words, our only choice according to this guy is to carry on as normal and hide when the whole world goes tits up.
Or there is an alternative: Reduce your energy consumption however you can and where ever you can. Use a webcam and skype instead of taking a flight to a meeting, switch all your Atom powered devices to use ARM's (and push companies to start putting ARM's in devices instead of Atoms), and try walking or cycling where your journey is less than 5 miles (or more!). I did - my family's footprint is now *lower* than the guy that makes "it's not easy being green" (and I don't have any solar/wind electricity/heat generators). It *is* easy being green!