Further reports name the Earthworm as 'Jim', who was in pursuit of his 'Ultra-high-tech-indestructible-super-space-cyber-suit' which he thought was the laptop.
When Mark Taylor's laptop computer crashed, he thought a computer worm might be the cause. Attempted repairs revealed that he was quite right, though not in the way he suspected. A five-inch earthworm had crawled into the laptop through an air vent before getting up in the internal fan, jamming the operation and killing itself …
"If he owns a cat, he deserves to have his laptop melt."
At a party, this would be the sign for me to stand up and back away slowly whilst carefully avoiding any sudden movements. However, as I'm not within range of any physical harm that might result from mishandling such obvious insanity, I confess I'm curious: Richard, what's your problem with cats?
Whilst I won't deny the wonderful irony of having an actual worm infect a computer, I also fondly recall a story a friend of mine told me a while back. Many years ago, immediately after purchasing a brand new top of the range 486, it began to suffer problems and rapidly died. The offending box was sent of for a bit of light spanner work, whereupon the technician involved found that the problem was caused by a single slice of hamburger cheese draped neatly across the motherboard. Given that no vent holes were large enough to accommodate an entire slice of cheese, the only conclusion they could draw was that it had been included as an optional extra by the manufacturer.
Yeah. Cats don't need your help. They would sneer at your weakness. And then slash you across the face with their evil claws.
Cats are not organic, everyone knows that. They are the reincarnation of the souls hell could not stomach, contained in a sort of android exoskeleton and that.
My kitten (he has not yet earned his stripes by despatching a vertebrate) brings in earthworms from time to time. On one memorable occasion, he even deposited three pieces of worm in my bed while I was asleep. Nobody should ever have to roll over onto *that*.
Perhaps he has a cunning plan to catch birds by climbing up a tree and sitting there with baited breath .....
I was once called out to look at a PC that made a rather nasty crack sound, let out some of the magic blue smoke, and promptly died.
I pulled the case off the machine and promptly discovered the cooked remains of a mouse that had climbed up on to the internal modem card and decided to take a wizz all over the high-voltage line section of the card.
Surprisingly, after removing the modem (and mouse obviously), the PC booted and ran as normal!
*Flames, for obvious reasons!
First - I would agree with you that Sarah Palin might be as smart as my dog - but the comment about a four-legged GW Bush by the AC was hitting below the belt. What did a dog - or cat! - do that so bad as to be compared to GW.
Second - Have you priced Florida land recently? It would take the complete state's value just to buy a cup of Star$s. I suggest selling something more valuable - like New Jersey. Heck it is only a toxic waste dump. There is at least SOME hope for that land.
Pirates - cause that all that them live in FloRRRRida
Dog: "They feed me, they play with me, they keep the place warm. They must be God"
Cat: "They feed me, they play with me, they keep the place warm. I must be God".
I have shared my life (and toys) with both Cats and Dogs. Overall, I'd say the intelligence is the same, but cats got all the wisdom. And the old adage of "you own a dog, a cat owns you" is oh-so-true.
Having lived with both, I would now take a cat over a dog any day - for one thing, cats look after themselves for most of the time. ^_^
I think maybe you just never met the right dog.
Cat and dog intelligence isn't really comparable in the end - it's very different. Cats just don't need some kinds of intelligence because of the refinement of their killing-machine bodies and their indepedence; dogs are pack animals and have greater social intelligence which is why we can relate to them as we do. Etc.
I admire cats, but they remind me too much of the kind of people who are nice enough to your face but wouldn't actually give half a flying fuck if you were brutally murdered in your bed. It's in their biology not to give a shit about you - it's not their fault.
People feel the need to fight over which kind of pet is better need to get some perspective....either that or they have self esteem issues ;-p why project on your animals? I've had a variety of different pets; a fish or two, a parrot, a gerbil, a couple of cats (at different times) and now a dog (though i've had dogs in the past) so what does that make me?
>I've had a variety of different pets; a fish or two, a parrot, a gerbil, a couple of cats (at different times) and now a dog (though i've had dogs in the past) so what does that make me?
A bit smelly?
It's true, one thing doesn't have to be crap for something else to be good. It's an entirely immature and needless polarisation.
(But dogs are still better.)
Oooh Miss Bee, you ARE sharp today! lol
I am very well-scented thank you; well most of the time anyway......ah...I think...errrr
I do prefer dogs too (though my current one is nuttier than a squirrel's poo) I find them much more entertaining and amusing than cats could ever be!
But no, I see no one species as the better one lol as you said very well earlier on, it's an evolutionary thing; dogs we have as pets are subservient and do not much thinking because they see their owners as the alpha male/female and therefore indisputably in charge (a left over from their wolf days)....I'll be honest, dog being happy to have you in charge is much, much better than dog who wants to be in charge...the papers are full of them....
Actually the reason a lot of dogs are stressed/aggressive or otherwise fucked up is that they think they're obliged to lead the pack, because we don't send them the right signals to let them know everything's under control. It's like the admin monkey suddenly being plonked in the CEO's chair and left to get on with it. So they freak out in various ways.
But I am a dog nerd, it's true. And nutty dogs are always a tonic, aren't they.
How about the case of the printer (as reported in "Computer Wimp" by Robert? Bear) which wouldn't stop doublespacing (yes, this does date it). The cause was eventually found to be a banana slug that had crawled into the printer and died in some horrible way, shorting out some electronics and causing the double spacing error. "For once the engineer's lament - 'I ain't never seen that before' might be fully justified."
I can confirm that I have disassembled a PC and found a (small) dried-out slug in it. I also found one containing a very much alive earwig wedged in a gap between the welded parts. The surprising thing is that, in spite of the number of spiders that I *know* are inhabiting the house with me, not one has come to grief in any piece of equipment so far.