back to article Asian IT in good news shock

There's a smattering of good news coming out of Asia. It seems that the death grip of the global financial crises may be easing its hold on the gasping throat of the technology industry. According to a series of reports from Taiwanese industry-watcher DigiTimes, orders are piling up at some tech companies, and forecasts of …


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  1. Ishkandar

    THey actually have *growth* ??

    Shock !! Horror !! What next ?? Back here in Blighted, oops, sorry, I mean Blighty, our dearly beloved PM, Flash Gordon, is going to save the world by forcing the banks to lend money they do not own to people who cannot really afford the repayment on property that cannot retain its purchase price (i.e. ever falling values) !!

    When ill-educated louts demand jobs they are unqualified for at salaries and terms of employment that will bankrupt the company, wherefore will we get such news here ??

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