Red Hat White Knights? Virgin Territory?
"Xen is getting the building blocks of their hypervisor in the linux kernel, but they've already announced that they do not plan to get their whole hypervisor in the linux kernel source tree. Maybe because KVM makes most of their code irrelevant..." .... By diegocg Posted Monday 23rd February 2009 22:00 GMT
That was almost right, diegocg. You might find that "Maybe because most of their code makes KVM irrelevant" is a lot nearer the truth in the Dynamic Inclusive Fields of Virtualisation.
"What is not obvious to me is why you need Xen or KVM bundled inside RHEL if you have a free-standing KVM hypervisor and tools to deploy it on desktops or servers and manage either Windows or Linux instances. This sounds more like a legacy packing and pricing issue than a technical one."
Bulls eye gold with that observation, Timothy. Are RHEL looking for a free Intellectual Property Ride/MetaDataMine of Virtual Machinery Technology/Topology? Although you can't blame them for that whenever it can render you an Open Field of Play to Capture all Markets and especially Control of Capital Markets, which would make the peanuts paid acquiring Qumranet, the creator of the KVM virtualization hypervisor, for $107m in cash last September, seem like money well spent, but only if it can Lead Perception with Viable Information Placement in both Mainstream and Underground Viral and Guerrilla Media Channels where they will Naturally Grow by Adoption and Adaptation to Generate Horizontal Client Wealth and Income rather than Imposition and Sale/Purchase for Vertical Payment and Profit. Should it be the Latter rather than the Former, will it be a Short Lived and Short Loved, and probably also just another one of those Naked Short Affairs, which are Crashing the System so Admirably.
Whenever it is so easy to purchase trade secrets which capture Powerful Control Markets for cash printed in just seconds, who wouldn't accept an obscene offer, for the System always wins with its bet that the money is returned thus Generating Value/Industry/Product with its Spend and yet costing it Nothing because it is always returned to start all over again. The Real Secret is in finding Big Spenders who know how the System works rather than those who just Bank it and sit on the fat wallets hoping it doesn't disappear because they do so little and/or Nothing of Note for the System ..... which invariably has the natives getting restless too, plotting all manner of Activity to Crash the System and remove the Currency Blockage for a Constructive Free Flow.