Missing a point with Hizbollah.
So, small groups of Guerilla fighters, operating independantly in a defensive conflict can knock seven bells out of a modern, well-organised army with a decent command and control structure?
Unfortunately for the main thrust of the article, this tactic has been known about and used very effectively for some considerable time now. Certainly since before there was an "information loop" or, indeed, any electronic media for information to loop in. Try looking at the Boer war for a classic example.
The key word here is "defensive". Operating in known terrain where you've already scouted all the potential ambush points and know all the available hidey-holes, potential sources of resupply and such, coupled with an objective of "inflict as much damage on the buggers as possible" makes this one work.
Any field commander worth his salt should know damned well that taking a large army into an area known to be populated with well-armed, dedicated geurilla forces that know the terrain is going to get his arse handed to him on a plate. About the only tactic usable here with any likelyhood of success is that used by the British in the aforementioned Boer war. I.e. round up any likely support and stick 'em in Concentration camps, scorched earth and overwhelming force against the groups concerned. Not acceptable in a "limited" conflict.
The only mystery about the Israeli campaign in Southern Lebanon is why on earth they thought that history didn't apply to them?