Yes yes how original
Windows 7 is Vista SP2 or SP3 blah blah blah.
I fix PCs for a living and while Vista carries a bit more CPU/RAM overhead than XP I still prefer Vista.
Mind you I have been using Windows 7 Beta for the past few weeks and it's definetly a step up. Why would anyone want to keep using creaky old XP ? The same luddites all cryed about XP when it first launched and claimed they would stick with 98SE (the buggiest OS I have ever used) XP only became usable after SP2 which everyone seems to forget.
If you can't manage to learn to live with a new OS then join a different industry cause things change in IT fast, and most of the complaints I have heard have more to do with people expecting Vista to work exactly like XP.
Vista has been fine since SP1 and Media Center has been powering my home TV entertainment system since beta 1 with no serious problems.
It's easy to poke fun at M$ and sad that they allowed Vista out the door way too early but the promise shown on Windows 7 might just restore my faith in them.