Do not remove this sticker without an 150 quid servicing and repair charge, rather than 60 quid from ebay or third party vendor! Obey the Steve.
I certainly can't see why they couldn't put a couple of hatches on the underside.
Apple's 17in MacBook Pro comes installed with a humungous 12,820mAh battery, a disassembly of the newly shipping system reveals. Mind you, since the thing weighs a hefty 6.6lbs/3kg, how often users will be relying on battery power remains to be seen. We suspect this boy is going to spend most of its life on desktops, plugged …
How Apple can think it's acceptable to have non-removable CONSUMABLE parts is beyond me.
What's worse is that people buy them! In my mind, batteries and harddrives have a sufficiently short MTBF to warrant user-replacement in all machines.
Apple, grow-up - these are computers not disposable ipods.
That you're able to upgrade something like the memory without worry of recourse, but why not the one thing that you're most likely to replace in a portable computer - the battery?
Rather typical of Apple, but on the positive side it means I can continue selling PC DDR2/3 memory at grossly inflated prices just by slapping "Apple Compatible", quite correctly, in the listing.
Getting better, but Apple need to start considering the needs of their users rather than just using them to line their pockets. Unfortunately most of their users are more than happy to blindly do so.
Please, there is no such thing as "1.25lb." A pound is subdivided into sixteen ounces, so the correct way to write "a pound and a quarter" would be "1lb 4oz."
If you want to use decimal notation, that's what SI units were made for. Take your pick between 600g. and 0.6kg., depending whether you want to make it look light or heavy, but don't try to be more accurate than the original measurement (it could be plus or minus as much as half an ounce, which is 14 grammes).
In days of old, before decimalisation then yes it would be correct to write 1lb 4oz.
But there is nothing wrong with writing 1.25lb. In fact, it is arguably better. Why?
Try adding weights represented in pounds and ounzes on a modern day decimal calculator - calculators which have been around since the 1970's and you will soon discover it is not easy to add weights together unless you convert them to decimal form first.
So why bother insisting people write down the weight in pounds and ounzes when they're going to have to convert into decimal form before they can do any calculations with the weights?
If you're referring to food ingredients and you have weighing scales in the kitchen which are graduated in pounds and ounzes then quoting weights in pounds and ounzes is quite a reasonable thing to do. But here, we' re talking computers.
We exist today in a decimal world, therefore it is quite reasonable and better to represent weights and other non-SI units in a decimal way.
So I diagree with your pedantic post.
Hmm, I've owned several laptops as well as had several provided by my employer. Never purchased a battery for any of them nor removed the battery they came with nor had my employer replace a battery.
Non removable is fine with me.
I've gone through several replacement external power supplies on my current Dell laptop though.
>"Please, there is no such thing as "1.25lb.""
Get out more, Stiles. There's nothing wrong with that kind of usage. 0.25lbs == 1/4 lb == 4oz, they're all exactly the same and you can say whichever you please.
>"Take your pick between 600g. and 0.6kg., depending whether you want to make it look light or heavy, but don't try to be more accurate than the original measurement (it could be plus or minus as much as half an ounce, which is 14 grammes)."
And how do *you* know the original measurement wasn't in grammes, accurate to plus or minus a few, and then converted to pounds? And what kind of scales do you use that are only accurate to plus or minus half an ounce on as little as a pound-and-a-bit? No wonder your deals are always light, ya skank!
Please let us keep the ounce! Just redefine 1oz = exactly 25g and 1lb =20 oz. That makes an ounce slightly lighter, an a pound slightly heavier but keeps Ye Olde English tradition alive and gives us more useful measurements for cooking (1g useless for anything but salt, 1kg useless for anything but potatoes). I'm sure the Germans have a Pfund which is exactly 500g.
Campaign anyone?
While the new MacBooks are very nice kit indeed I don't see Apple sticking with the whole "non user serviceable" battery idea. I don't think they will do a turn around right away, however by the time next years models are rolling out I think we'll see a change of plans. Non swappable/replaceable battery in a laptop is just a bad idea waiting to bite them in the arse.
P.S. to the wintard ODFO, some of us actually have reasoning abilities beyond the ten year old level and can actually like Apple and their products while still being able to call them on their crap.
What's the issue here? By the time you need to replace the battery, the unit will long be out of warranty anyway. Presumably the issue is that Apple have had to cut back on shielding and possibly even had to use a more fragile connector in order to get the largest battery possible.
The battery life is impressive, although I'm personally not that keen on laptops that huge.
"The sticker [is] attached to both battery and optical drive so it'll tear if anyone tries the maneouvre."
Unless you have a razor blade, a hairdryer, and some patience.
Plus I dunno about the UK, but in the US "warranty void if removed" stickers are not enforceable because this is an anti-trust violation (IIRC).
I've owned perhaps a dozen laptops, and I've never replaced the battery on any of them. I've taken the battery out of a couple of them, but that was just to see that it was possible.
About the 17" laptop itself: I own an older model 17" MBP that I essentially got "for free" (list price at the time was around £2000, but I got it in lieu of expenses from a company I worked at). It is huge and weighs a lot, and the battery life on it is about 1 hour, so you don't really use it unless you are within range of a power outlet. The screen is great but the laptop runs pretty hot and it's so heavy that you can't comfortably have it on your knee. I classify it as more of a "luggable desktop" rather than a laptop.
Jesus-Steve icon, obviously!
You've been very lucky with your laptops then - although the fact you've had about 12 suggests you replace then fairly often - possibly before they require a new battery. I manage hundreds of laptops at work which we often buy in batches of say 20.
Recently over half of a single batch's batteries required replacing within the first 1.5 years (and pretty much all of them within 2) - they were'nt not necessarily holding the required charge - but they actually reported that they needed replacing and you couldn't use the laptops without a stupid message appearing on screen telling you they need replacing. I could have just left them and hoped it was a faulty warning - but I couldn't take the risk Fortunately these were removable and replaceable by myself otherwise it would have been a real headache getting them all sorted (and probably cost massively over the odds too).
A laptop battery is normally only under warranty for a year, and an extended battery warranty costs a lot - there's probably a reason for that!!
Going off topic here, but what the heck is this program about Paris and a British Best Friend, I've seen about 20 seconds of the program and she keeps referring to "BBF", who the hell commissioned this rubbish on British Television? I think she needs to grow up a bit.
I have visions of her being asked "What's the capital of the United States of America?" and her replying "Toronto", kinda like Jade Goody and the question about Wales.
I associate Paris with cucumbers...but the least said about that the better.
Not if you're doing things properly, it won't. Intensively used laptops can kill the battery within a couple of years - sometimes even less (this would be why some manufacturers have a 3 year laptop warranty but only a 1 year battery warranty...).
In any case, if you've spent a decent amount of money on either a new or reconditioned with warranty laptop, you would be an utter lunatic not to keep extending the warranty. Apple has Applecare, other manufacturers let you add on n years at a time to the warranty. Laptops for all their shinyness are slow, unreliable and expensive to fix as compared to a desktop.
Yes this battery may be 12.8AH, but as AC has already said, it is only 7.4V. This is the equivalent energy capacity of a 6.4AH 14.8V battery, the typical capacity of those being about 4.5AH.
The 12.8AH battery has good capacity, but it's by no means as huge as the article makes it seem.
If the system does not normally need more than 7.2 volts, then why is more voltage needed?
I have not seen a whole lot of CPU's and peripherals require 12 volts. Laptop hard drives will often run with only 5v now.
This being said, a properly designed system that does not require more volts does not need a battery that supplies more voltage - if the vendor built in a 12 volt battery, it is a waste, since 3.8 volts would just be used to generate heat through step-down circuitry!
Some time in the future, I would hope to see batteries using 3.6 volts with 24 Amps... to get some real life expectancy and further reduce heat production!
Please note, neither of us stated or hinted that more voltage is needed. What we were saying is that the current capacity alone doesn't reflect the energy carrying capacity of the battery.
PS: I take it you don't know what a switching supply is? There is no wasted voltage (or power). For example: a switching supply can take 14V, output 2.8V at 10 amps, while only draw 2 amps (imagine a DC transformer). That's why batteries of higher voltages can be used.