4 weeks!?
Is not four weeks a bit long to write down another episode ?
The author can be lucky that most readers can not reach him with a CP.
"It's... it's destroyed!" the Boss sniffles as he tilts the remains of his home computer up for me to see. "True, but then he was just doing what you told him to do." "It told him to go ahead and start the machine up if he thought it was fixed!" "No, you said, 'OK, give it a bash' - a completely different thing altogether …
but it's the summer hols in NZ, where I believe the master resides and whilst we've been shivering and suffering credit crunch - he's been enjoying sunshine and errm... other kiwi pursuits (have to be careful with the humour there, CP and all that).
I'm willing to live with the odd gap in service as long as the service remains this good.
What schedule? He's a busy guy. Things to do, bossen to blackmail, lusers' machines to toast, you know? These things don't write themselves...
Just thank Eris you got a fix and STFU or Simon may just sod off on a junket and delay the next one deliberately just to wind you ungrateful buggers up. Instead, if you really are that addicted, may I advise those of you who haven't already visit http://www.malinche.net/bofh.html to test your own levels of bastardy?
...and/or /Intellectual Hurdles/Neural Blocks.
""And reading between the lines you're suggesting that working in IT makes you a spiteful vindictive bastard with borderline Aspergers?"
"If we're talking cause and effect here it might be that being a spiteful vindictive bastard with a mild personality disorder might attract you to IT," I counter, "as opposed to IT making you that way. Leastways, I know it is in my case."
"So now you're saying that you have it as well?"
"Absolutely - but over the years my assistant and I have evolved a clear and concise language with which to pass on instructions. For instance, we avoid terms like 'kick the server in the guts', 'give it a bash', 'ok shoot', and a whole host of other phrases which, when subject to literal translation, could be misconstrued."
Wise Words to Cherish for Sanity in the Crazy Worlds Defined and Running and Run with Binary Code Manipulation for Virtual Machinery Man Management.
Simon, that was worth the far-too-long-a-wait and the withdrawal pains during the wait. :-)
Oh dear, does that identify one as a Potential Borderliner into BDSM and Maxxed Out Role Play, or just some who would mention it in Passing Thoughts?
Very nice touch there Simon. Very worth the wait, but PLEASE... I know it's summer down under, but please don't keep us waiting another month for the next installment! Surely it can't be that hard to find a few minutes every day to work on writing an episode.... I do understand that you've got a life outside of this, but I just have to put in my 2¢ worth and join with those who say "PLEASE don't make us wait another month!"
Over my time working in IT it has become apparent that many of the qualities of a good problem-solver, whether in Operations or Programming lead me to believe that a person who appears to suffer from mild Aspergers is a jolly fine candidate for the job.
Hell, better, give me a couple of full-on autistics and we'd accomplish miracles of IT - re-write Windows so that it works! Deliver device drivers for Linux. Make Macs cheap!
They'll be none of that "I've got a social life" disease that occasionally afflicts many of our brightest sparks. Just people who want to work quietly and keep to themselves doing 60 hour weeks behind a keyboard.
Oh well. Stuck with all these normal people around me. At least I don't have to talk to them often...
...IT is a gift to us from the heavens. A field we can often work well in, especially welcome since there are so many fields where you have to do nearly everything by getting *people* to do what you want. Computers at least do what you damned well tell them. In theory, anyway. In the end there's always a discoverable reason why they don't. People on the other hand...
Good episode. Not a classic but a good episode.
Nice standard weekly episode as I've come to love in last couple of years.
Violence content lowered but good enough.
But recent ones have been upping the violence towards the old school style and...
FFS WHY SO LONG??????????????????? WHY THE WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't take the wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Huzzah for new BOFH. Nice episode as well Simon, I never considered the Aspergers angle. However I think at the end of the day it's not a mental illness that causes us to be anti social, it's clueless end (l)users that do it to us. Either way thanks for lightening up my Friday.
Instead of
>""And you expect me to believe this?"
he should have said
>"LOLWUT? U has ASSburger's sydrome? HAHAHAHAAAA wait 'til I tell /b/ about this..."
Cue BOFH and PFY disappearing from sight under a flood of spam, memes, crank phone calls and crudely-drawn Rule 34...
I was afraid we would never see another BOFH! The guy is cranking these out for FREE, does a damn fine job of them and is probably having a hell of a time thinking up 40 story lines a year!
To all the armchair critics that posted here the last time... Let’s see what you can write as a replacement! Then I'll sit here and grade you on your work. To get a good grade each of your stories must be an original classic and be filed by Friday for the entire year. Remember now, NO slacking even though you're not going to be paid a dime for your efforts.
Simon thanks for each and every one of your stories. You are truly gifted and have become a very enjoyable part of my life.
...we're down to a monthly BOFH episode. I have nothing by empathy for Simon - it's tough to keep up a weekly serial and keep it fresh - especially over the period of years, and when it's likely not you're sole source of income.
El Reg - I'm not saying it's time to move on from BOFH, but maybe it's time to seek out some additional entertainment sources to augment BOFH.
"amanfromMars is making sense... and has been for a few weeks now... i need a rubber room" .... By Curtis Posted Friday 20th February 2009 20:38 GMT
You may have to consider the possibility and therefore the probability and inevitability that you are getting smarter and are starting to understand Greater Game Concepts for Cloud Control of Binary Systems with GBIrish/PerlyGatesPython ...... http://www.phrack.com/issues.html?issue=65&id=13#cmt1593
Aspergers is not a metal illness. One cannot be 'cured' of it. It is classified as a Learning Disability, in that one has a disability to learning about the emotional responses, body language etc of those around them.
Of all the things to sign up for a Reg account i did not think correcting people about my condition would be one of them....
Maybe this bollox about it being a mental illness is why noone is giving me a job in any role except for the highly unsuitable field of waitressing...