Commentard Cliché alert!
I hesitate to say it but: FAIL
The top of my (UK) driving licence bears the words....Driving Licence
My Surname and name are listed underneath, next to my at-the-time-pimply-17-year-old mugshot.
I thought the whole point of these EU driving licences was that they were all the same format, so couldn't be confuddled. Come on Garda, wake up!
Off-topic I know, but my Swedish friend has been refused entry to clubs when visiting me in Cardiff, because the bouncers couldn't fathom her Swedish driving licence - which again is in the same format as the UK ones...Honestly, ex-rock-ape bouncers I can forgive, but trained Police Officers?
What's the world coming to, we're going to hell in a handcart...etc, etc. Mine's the one with a copy of the Daily Mail in the pocket.