gotta love it
I've used this same title before. How is it that we can go from a country our grandparents and their parents built for us via the private sector to a country where the government is taking our wealth and wealth that we don't even have and giving it to "selected private industry".
I've read the motivations for the broadband investments. It's to put broadband where private sector said it's not economically feasible because they won't have a suitable return on the investment. I guess this is what you get from a President that never ran a lemonade stand let alone a business that actually had to come out every year with a profit. How about if the country doesn't get out of debt in 4 years Obama goes to jail for life (or until we're out of the debt we're in). I'd say the same thing about Bush but at least under Bush citizens got money from the stimulus. Obama isnt' giving anything to the people, it's all going to the companies that wisked him into office. So now We the people get to throw out money into it just like we do for Amtrak to function.
What broadband companies are getting tax money, will they reduce the bills of the taxpaying customers for it? Don't they raise your rates every year (I know comcast does). Perhaps they should give the people a credit for taking money out of their pockets for them. Unless the government is going to form it's own broadband company which at this point pretty much is Comcast since they do whatever they want to begin with.
Where is George Orwell when we need him, he should of wrote a book on this. :)