back to article Apple iPhone police censor South Park

Apple has blocked the creators of South Park from selling an iPhone app based on the long-running cartoon series. According to a BoingBoing post, the blog site's "friends at South Park" said that "We first announced our iPhone App back in October, after we submitted the Application to Apple for approval. After a couple of …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    Boobs are allowed now?

    Boobs are allowed now? in that case: I am taking dibs on iWank! Shake the phone up and down until a sticky white gooey runs down the screen.

    I'll follow it up with a release that requires vigorous rubbing of the screen.

    Wonder how long before they'll approve those...

    Paris, because she'd love it.

  2. Peter H. Coffin
    Thumb Up

    We know where this leads...

    I'm sure the script for the South Park episode mocking the iPhone and fanatical devotion to Steve is on its second draft as I type this, and Comedy Central is clearing airtime for it sometime in the April timeframe.

  3. Christopher Ahrens

    What about iFart?

    What about the like of the "fart apps", aren't they offensive enough? Why is Apple so inconsistant in their Iron-fist style of running the app store?

  4. Magani
    Paris Hilton

    The reason? The content was "potentially offensive."

    Now who would've thunk it?

    In other news just in,

    * Pope shits in the woods

    * Bears are Catholic

    * etc, etc

    Pictures at 11.

    Paris, because she's been offended by South Park

  5. Dave

    Potentially Offensive

    In your list of people who might be offended by the South Park movie, you missed a category: Bill Gates fans. I guess Apple considers such people to be a lost cause anyway.

  6. Hrishikesh
    Jobs Horns

    Yet more reason to support the EFF

    EFF, and now Skype and Mozilla are fighting Apple's "DMCA Rights" (yeah right) which attempt to make jailbreaking punishable with jail time.

    If I choose to bonk somebody over the head with an iPhone, Apple isn't going to go DMCA over me, yet they *absolutely* control what apps can and cannot go on the iPhone. Hopefully the EFF wins, or we'll have to bash the "Thinnest and Lightest CEO Ever" on the head with a million iPhones to make our point.

    If only people stopped collectively fellating Apple ...

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Up

    AC Re: iWank

    That's actually a pretty good idea...

    Icon because... well, you know...

  8. Anonymous Coward

    Sorry forgot it on the train

    If your all so unhappy with appel stop buying/using there products....

  9. Aristotles slow and dimwitted horse

    @ Sorry forgot it on the train...

    Grammar first - it's either "you are" or "you're". And it is "their" as in possessive rather than "there".

    Apart from that, I couldn't agree more with your point. Apple ARE shite, and long as there are enough shallow people out there who continue to worship at the alter of style over substance then Apple will continue to treat like their customers just like the cretinous mindless pack sheep that they have become.

  10. John Chadwick

    They will kill the golden goose.

    There is a serious risk that the kudos that an iPhone has will lapse and people will stop buying, because of these limitations, I probably use mine less that 50% time now because it doesn't have a bluetooth modem to connect to my car's sat nav. (Important if you drive round the M25 a lot) , All the limitations add up, I even begining to look wistfully at by original XDA Exec, I actually use a 6310i most of the time now. Younger users want media diversity, old gits like me just want a PDA Phone that helps.

  11. Neil

    4 words

    donkey r*ping sh** eaters

  12. Anonymous Coward

    What has this to do with schizophrenia

    I don't want you to think I've lost my sense of humour, but your sub-head use of the word schizophrenia adds nothing to the story, and is inaccurate, since Apple's behaviour hasn't remotely anything to do with the symptoms of schizophrenia. It is a stigmatising use of the name of an illness. Really, it is bad enough to have schizophrenia, an illness which can totally screw up people's lives, without the name of the condition being used as a term of abuse.

    You wouldn't use terms like sp*stic or cr*pple as terms of abuse (not in headlines, would you?) so leave schizophrenia out of it as well. Thanks.

  13. Kevin Fairhurst

    Please, please, please...

    ... will the South Park team put this on Cydia? Give away what could have made Apple some money. That'll teach 'em!

  14. Paul

    Anonymous Coward...

    ...seems like he's already stopped using iSpell. ;)

    But yes... Apple's appstore is precisely the reason I'm not looking forward to developing iPhone apps - the massive ballache of getting the arseholes to publish them.

  15. Sam Radford

    English, please

    >>If your (sic) all so unhappy with appel (sic) stop buying/using there (sic) products....

    I'm not so unhappy with "appel" that I'll stop using "there" spell checker.

  16. al
    Paris Hilton

    If pixar made south park...

    If pixar made south park..... this problem would ne'r have happened. They are offensive only to villainous geeks (incredibles), you see.

    Paris, coz she likes to PARK 'erself a little SOUTH of center.

  17. John Bailey


    @ AC..

    We are not unhappy with Apple's products at all. Quite the opposite. They are an endless source of amusement. Even Microsoft at it's most pompous is no match for the sheer daring of Apple's marketing philosophy.

    From the misplaced sense of superiority of the fanboys, to the control freakishness of the makers. All good stuff. Especially now that Apple have decided to invent the cell phone, touch screens, and heaven knows what else. Rest assured, we are all far too amused by Apple to ever bother sullying their brand identity by actually buying any of the iProdicts.

  18. James


    One reason/excuse for Apple's behaviour I can think of is that the US thinks the AppStore is some magical service that will revolutionise the smartphone world. Apple aren't the first to do this sort of store but they're probably the first to get it right. It will only be seen as successful if they manage to keep the useless crap away from it.

    I don't like Apple or own an iPhone

  19. Blasmeme

    Not surprising.

    Aren't the distinctive feelings of a dictator/monarch/autocrat 'I can do whatever the hell I like, when I like, to whomever I wish.'?Apple is inconsistent in this case and others because it can be inconsistent and there is nothing anyone can do about it. They just can. Whatever they do, it's not like folk will suddenly stop using it.

    And I would truly love to see an 'Apple' episode from South Park. They handled scientology so sensitively.

  20. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton


    I guess the Apple 1984 ad turned out to be ironic then?

    Paris, she has a totally different breed of fanbois.

  21. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    Re: Sorry forgot it on the train

    AC: "If your all so unhappy with appel stop buying/using there products...."

    Wow. Just wow.

  22. Anonymous Coward
    Jobs Horns

    Who Knows?

    It could be almost any reason but looks, with the limited info provided here (which may or may not be accurate), like someone has an agenda. You can guess: Scientology members on the Apple iPod team payroll, posturing for more money from what will be a popular entertainment application, republicans in general, Dick Cheney...

  23. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Telly box

    You mean they still MAKE South Park?? Wow, that was funny oh years ago!

    Or is it just more merchandising a dead horse...?

  24. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    :( < is a ttitle

    :( England isn't allowed to watch episodes on the south park site T_T

  25. ShaggyDoggy

    Can't polish a turd

    You can't polish a turd, but you can advertise like stink and convince the easy-to-convince masses that what you have is (a) innovative (b) good value (c) reliable (d) desirable

    It's still a turd though

  26. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton


    Silly person, of course you can polish a turd.

    Apple have proved it many times.

    But, as you say, it is still a turd.

    Paris, I'm sure I could find something for her to polish.

  27. Anonymous Coward
    Jobs Horns

    Yes, Mssrs. Trey and Stone

    Please do an Apple/religion/Scientology episode soon. Jobs as a bad guy would be way better than picking on David Blaine as a cult leader.

  28. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    "Please do an Apple/religion/Scientology episode soon. Jobs as a bad guy would be way better than picking on David Blaine as a cult leader."

    Simpsons did it.

  29. Martin
    Black Helicopters

    They killed Kenny......


  30. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "Can't polish a turd"

    No, because you just spread shit around, as Apple so obviously do.

  31. Anonymous Coward

    @Sam Radford

    Sam responded:

    >>If your (sic) all so unhappy with appel (sic) stop buying/using there (sic) products....

    > I'm not so unhappy with "appel" that I'll stop using "there" spell checker.

    It's not a lack of properly English, Sam. It's simply difficult to pronounce the words correctly when having Steve's iDick in the mouth. Poor sods... but at least keeps these Apple-lamists away from the more dangerous cults.

  32. Kevin Fairhurst

    May be coincidence

    but an unofficial app is now on cydia thanks to and it works here in the UK!

  33. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Grammer or spelling more important?

    "Grammar first - it's either "you are" or "you're". And it is "their" as in possessive rather than "there".

    Apart from that, I couldn't agree more with your point. Apple ARE shite, and long as there are enough shallow people out there who continue to worship at the alter of style over substance then Apple will continue to treat like their customers just like the cretinous mindless pack sheep that they have become."

    Shouldn't that be altar? He who casts the first stone and all that ;)

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