just a quickie
Not going to type it here since it's disgusting, but anyone who logs into facebook gets a message saying this at the top, and a link to a group setup by the main peeps called "Facebook Bill of Rights and Responsibilities". Owners are:
* Simon Axten (Stanford) (creator)
* Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook)
* Barry Schnitt (Facebook)
Scroll down to the discussion groups.... you'd think they'd be competent to make sure no racist shit ended up on this thing? What's the point of creating it if it's not going to be monitored in some way? Not going to help the situation.
Personally I use facebook for 1 reason, there's people who are on there who I speak to but don't have email details for, and as such it's easier to get a bunch of people together. But it's no different to email, if I had address for most of them I'd stick to email. The rest is just convenient crap that I don't even look at. But it was a nice concept till all this theft of copyright crap turned up.