Good work by the Sun
How could that not boost customer numbers?
Paris as a guest conductor?
Female staff on National Express's East Coast line connecting London and Edinburgh have refused to sport new uniforms because the blouses leave "little to the imagination" of passengers, the Daily Mail reports. The Transport Salaried Staffs Association said that staff had returned the offending clothing to the company …
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Give semi-transparent shirts to the male staff as well, and then we, the passengers, can all enjoy the portly, 52-year-old Reg coming down the corridor punching tickets as well as Debbie, mother of four and still struggling with Slimfast, blowing the whistle on the platform.
Clearly their user-testing wasn't up to web-development standard. Personas, anyone?
Dear El Reg,
are you trying to make us all criminals? I've just seen an image of something that might be naughty and/or offensive to someone which in another article on your site clearly states is or will become illegal under UK law.
So please, no more potentially naughty picture just in case...
ps: might start taking the train ....
Munters in see-through apparel is something the average rail traveller can do without.
One shudders at the thought.
However, if the female staff are pleasing to the eye then we should mount a campaign to ensure they receive more than adequate financial compensation from their employer for opting to show off their lovely norks.
*shudders deliciously at that thought*
And for sure, the train manager's see through blouse crisis eclipses the credit crunch, I turn to a source I respect for its' authoritative and respected coverage. The London Review of Blouses.
Cleavage Today. Your story is poor - there are no technical details here. What kind of material are these blouses, what colour pattern, how see through? Have you conducted tests? Where are the results?
I respectfully suggest the use of the uniforms worn by the submarine crew on the old and delightful TV series UFO. The outfit is ranked #2 in the Top 10 Science Fiction Outfits as seen here:
(The #1 ranked outfit is simply...eye/mind-boggling but is primarily for the ladies.)
They already managed one of the most enduring images of travelling by coach:
"On the National Express there's a jolly hostess
Selling crisps and tea
She'l provide you with drinks and theatrical winks
For a sky-high fee
Mini-skirts were in style when she danced down the aisle
Back in '63 (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
But it's hard to get by when your arse is the size
Of a small country"
Please, not a see-through blouse as well!
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"Only attract customers if the women wearing them are attractive"
This is ostensibly an "IT" news site, therefore a fair percentage of the readership will be of the furry-toothed geek variety.
Now, most of the furry-toothed geeks I come across, would crawl a mile over broken glass to get a glimpse of a pair of real norks, regardless of the attractiveness of the owner :-)
Paris, for she has a pair of real norks, as any google image search will show.
Okay, I did click on the photo link but just out of nostalgia, most of the girls at my school wore these blouses which is partly why I am so under-educated.
It is a very serious issue though for two reasons. No body show be exposed to sexual exploitation at work unless they choose to be. Secondly, and much less PC, there is nothing worse for a passenger than seeing through a garment that you really would prefer to be opaque - train conductors ? Eugh.
I am a sexist-feminist. I have a drop-dead gorgeous postwoman who I really wouldn't mind seeing in such a blouse, but I can't talk to her. I was trying to work up the courage to ask her out or even just talk to her when she rang my doorbell and said 'You've got a big package'.
Paris, because that was the last journey my train went into a tunnel.