i for one
welcome our adolescent drink-crazed knife-carrying underage overlords
Those among you currently battling to survive the economic apocalypse ravaging the planet might perhaps take a lead from supermarket monolith Tesco, which has apparently decided on a controversial way to get extra wonga flowing into its tills: Tesco store with 'Store sells children booze' newspaper headline billboard We're …
"although the long-term social cost of alcopop-crazed juveniles sticking decorated war veterans in supermarket trolleys and throwing them off the roof of the nearest multi-storey carpark has yet to be counted."
Surely in an ageing population this is a good thing, think of the pensions, wont somebody please think of the pensions.
>>I have been instructed to stress that Tesco does not in fact sell alcohol to minors, and is
>> actually wholly dedicated to making Britain and better place for our children and our children's
>> children, etc, etc.
Is that a reference to that baby faced 13 year old boy who's been all over the red tops recently?
"A note from our legal department
I have been instructed to stress that Tesco does not in fact sell alcohol to minors, and is actually wholly dedicated to making Britain and better place for our children and our children's children, etc, etc."
Not just to make a whole load of cash for Mein Fuerher Leahy then?
"A note from our legal department
I have been instructed to stress that Tesco does not in fact sell alcohol to minors, and is actually wholly dedicated to making Britain and better place for our children and our children's children, etc, etc."
No need for the disclaimer - in 2007 Tesco stores in both Worthing and Crawley were repeatedly found to be selling booze to minors and disqualified from trading in alcohol altogether for a month each. Result!
In fact, round here they're noted for it - see our local paper:
"A Tesco store in Woodley has been caught selling booze to children following a police crackdown on underage drinking.
The sting operation saw a 15-year-old go into the Tesco Express in Loddon Vale Centre accompanied by undercover officers and attempt to buy alcohol. The employee was issued with an £80 fixed penalty notice for disorder after illegally serving the underage teen with booze.
This is not the first time Tesco has been in trouble for selling booze to underage youngsters in Reading.
The Extra store in Napier Road, Reading, and the two Tesco Express shops in Bath Road, Southcote, and Church Street, Caversham, were previously caught in test purchases in April/May 2006 and all given £80 on-the-spot fines for selling alcohol to a 15-year-old boy."