let me be the first to say
Flawless victory, Fatality.
I know I know, I'm going now.
Saddled with debt, American video game maker Midway has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Creator of the long-running Mortal Kombat said it is seeking protection from creditors after a change in ownership last year pushed forward the deadline for Midway to pay off its debts. The company said Chapter 11 protection will let the …
Another Ponzi bites the dust?
"The company said Chapter 11 protection will let the company conduct its business as usual (of losing money annually for nearly a decade)." .... Seems like the best of reasons to have the boss detained and transferred to a place of residential security for a period of training evaluation and reprogramming.
Although if he were to use the Idiot Defence .......Fools and their money are easily parted and deserve to be so relieved [aka the Bankers Ignorance Defence] .... he'll still be munching caviar rather than sipping gruel. And it is terribly in vogue this season and proving to be very attactive/a big unexpected hit.
IT's a Funny Old World whenever you get right down to ITs Base IQs ....... and a Bit of a Swamp with all kinds of strange and weird beings lurking in the shadows and murky depths.
If you go titsup, then all the companies that you owe $ to cannot cary that loss forward year on year.
Very interesting imagine evading tax on $20billion as a 'writedown' whilst also charging 'interest' on the capital amount lent that may realise in 2025.
They are all as guilty as each other.