What the Bejesus?
practically cut-n-paste from previous commentary on microsofts "app store";
"Remember the days where Microsoft made operating systems? I mean, as opposed to today, where MS tries to out-google google, and now, apparently attempts to out-perform apple in the downloadable apps store section of the marketplace.
Dear Microsoft.
You've shown, over recent years, with your titanic bungling of hotmail, your extremely ill-advised ploughing of cash into Live! rebranding and search functionality, that at best you're a little schizophrenic at redmond. at worse, with your atrocious support standards for GamesForWindowsLive, and product crossover from Xbox to PC, that you cant even have 2 departments within the same building talk to each other."
...And now, fresh material!;
And now bricks-and mortar, too? What are you going to sell? Home consumers get their OS from Dell, with a new machine. You're going to sell what? Zunes? To who? the existing 3 zune customers already have theirs, and are probably very happy with them unless they bought a 30gig brick. you'll sell copies of Office, maybe? because home users upgrade this often, I hear. they dont just go with whatever was packed from their OEM.
So, people wont buy your operating system they'll buy it from Dell, probably cheaper than getting it direct from you. Or office. or fucking Zunes. I doubt you're planning highstreet stores to sell MSSQL server to joe-6-pack.
So it must be... um, what else.
Support! You'll sell support to people, right? you know,establishing new stores, hiring a bunch of windows fanboys* to staff them, nice, knowledgable people, right? and then you'll launch windows 7. and these fresh faced peeps are gonna handle the unwashed masses who arent happy windows 7 doesnt work right.
You're... well, brave isnt the word, is it?
*you know, like the apple fanboys. there are windows fanboys, right? ...hello?