In other news...
> Parents should take greater responsibility for what their children get up to on the internet
In other news...
Pope found to be Catholic.
Bear seen defecating in arboreal environment.
In more interesting news, a quick glance at their site notes that Media March "heartily endorses the Christian aspirations which have been publicly displayed, ever since 1931, at BBC Broadcasting House in London. We recognise that these are in accordance with Philippians 4:8"
It also links to Media Watch (the latest incarnation of the Mary Whitehouse Brigade) saying:
"mediawatch-uk and mediamarch are independent organisations, but we pursue very similar aims and often work in cooperation on current issues.
"We are grateful to mediawatch-uk for regularly passing on to us vital information and timely advice.:
In other words, they're just another bunch of narrow-minded prudes who think that their personal tastes should govern what everyone else is allowed to see.
And as for "Was there a single reason they could advance as to why all new PCs should not come with optional porn filters on as default?" well, no, not a single reason, several reasons, for instance:
1) If I want to buy a "bare bones" PC I don't want any software installed on it, full stop.
2) I don't have kids, but even if I did, if anything is going to be filtered on my PC, it is MY decision, not the State's nor a bunch of prod-noses.
3) If I'm going to install filtering software, I want to be able to choose for myself which software I install, not have the choice (probably M$) imposed on me (and probably jacking up the price!)
4) What else might a State-sponsored piece of filtering software *also* choose to block? Would it be subject to automatic updates so that if there's more legislation like the so-called "Extreme Pornography" laws, the State could force it to add more content/ sites to its blocked list?
5) Would such software start inPhorming the authorities that I've tried to access certain sites...?
I'm sure there are more, but I've got to get on with other stuff...