one assumes
they are there to pickup dave from his cabbie job in an alternate reality!
Friday 10 April will, as we previously reported, see the first installment of Red Dwarf: Back to Earth - digital channel Dave's resurrection of the classic sci-fi series which forms part of its Red Dwarf weekend. The new outing is written by the show's co-creator Doug Naylor and features Chris Barrie as Rimmer, Craig Charles …
As a fan of both Corrie and Red Dwarf I really am looking forward to this. Hopefully it'll be as good as the early seasons. Maybe Danny John-Jules (aka Milton Wordsworth) can arrange a cameo appearance for Jelly & Jackson from the Story Makers too.
I'm glad Dave has commissioned it, if the Beeb did it they'd enforce the required 'Strictly Come Dancing' theme tune and probably a special appearance by Dr Who.
The Corrie thing is one of those obvious in-jokes, however they're going to do it. And I can't remember what happened to Rimmer but, come on, it was an especially silly sci-fi comedy, it'll probably open with an expositionary quip about how he was alive but then, er, died again in some amusingly daft/ironic fashion?
The question is which Rimmer.
There are two Rimmers in the original Red Dwarf universe - the first is hologram Rimmer, who turns into Ace in series seven. Then there's nano reconstructed Rimmer in series eight.
After that, there's the thousands of parallel universe Rimmers.
I'm betting on nano reconstructed Rimmer being killed off. It'll still be shit though.
At the beginning of the series, red dwarf had been found... flying on an exploritory mission in the starbug's laundry basket populated by krytens self-repair nanites (they'd taken the ship, and converted most of its mass into a small moon... After kryten gave them a strict telling off, they recreated red dwarf, along with all the dead crew (including rimmer).
The last episode ran something like this (to refresh your memories)...
Red Dwarf got infected with some metal eating superbug.
The science department developed a portal into a mirror universe which Lister entered, to find everything reversed, he was the captain, the captain was as useless as lister is normally, cat was a genius, etc.
The mirror universe had an antigen that could kill off the superbug on "our" red dwarf, so dave took the formula, but when he travelled back through the portal, it transformed to the formula of the superbug itself, leaving the dwarf doomed.
In the last scene, cat, lister and kryten made it through the portal to escape red dwarf's destruction, but a vending machine that had it in for rimmer prevented him from going through when the ship blew up (meaning yep, he's dead again).
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Um, given the sparse details on the digitalspy link, and how some of the other plots from the rest of the series have sounded over the years and have turned out to be great, I think taking the idea that 'is that the best they can do' without seeing the writing behind it, is stonkingly arrogant, not to mention fundamentally idiotic.
If Craig Charles thinks a lot of it, given how the cast haven't exactly been shy in giving their opinions on where the rest of the series had problems [see the commentaries on the DVDs], then I'm prepared to hold judgement till I see it...
Steven R
"No he was still a hard-light hologram, albeit he had become the next Ace Rimmer and the H disappeared, but that was just a software change. He went of to travel the universe and be handsome and brave in the dimension jump ship."
The Rimmer at the end of the last season, last seen kicking Death in the unmentionables, was the nanothingy-reconstructed-along-with-red-dwarf-and-the-rest-of-its-crew Rimmer. Sorry Dwarf fans, that last season wasn't just a bad dream brought on by late-90s alcopops. I guess the original-holographic-now-hardlight-now-replacement-ace-Rimmer must still be out there somewhere...
I'm thrilled to hear it's going to be a jokey cross-over with Coronation Street though. Can we look forward to Lister taking time out to present special editions of Robot Wars and Cyberzone ("Ooger Wooger")? That would make it even more perfect.
Evil Bill Gates because he's obviously the scriptwriter.
All of us poor people who happen to be on the wrong side of the pond have to hope that BBCA will air it or it comes out on DVD soon.
@Ross Fleming
TVCatchup checks to see where your IP is based, so its a no-go for us yanks. The only way I've seen around it is a proxy server based out of the UK that charges an arm and a leg for decent enough bandwidth to stream the media
(hrmmm maybe an IP spoof might work too,, need to test that theory)
Just reading this, I now have a sudden urge to go get a curry and pompadoms for dinner tonight.
This worries me rather. I'm sure it's not what it looks like and it'll turn out to be something terribly clever and funny, but... I don't like the look of this. As a life-long (since age 7) Red Dwarf fan, I really hope they don't make any more after this. Especially not a movie. Let it die.
"Better Smeg Than Dead
By Thomas Kenyon Posted Wednesday 11th February 2009 22:37 GMT
I thought that when Rimmer kneed death in the balls he said. 'Only the good die young'.
I thought better smeg than dead was when they were fighting their future selves at the end of a previous series. (or the cats better anything than that wig). "
You're right, Rimmer actually said "Better Dead than Smeg" and it was at the end of "Out of Time" the last episode of series VI. I can't remember what he said at the end of series VIII because I kind of stopped paying attention after the end of Grant Naylor.
Alien, because you know that Rimmer's right and they're responsible for everything ;)
... saying how have they gone back in time, early on in the show (think its the statis leak episode) lister finds out that he finds a way back in time to marry the bird he fancies (can't spell her name, cba to try :P ) some time in the future (5 years the future lister said i think)
So cannon wise them going back in time is already there!