For the most largely populated country in the world these people really are fucking morons.
The day I let my government treat me like that is the day I give up on life.
China's crackdown on internet pornography and "lewd" content on the web has claimed another 276 websites, the government said on Tuesday, bringing the total number of websites closed to 1,911. Although officials say they've made "notable progress" in cleansing the internet of smut and pesky dissenting political voices behind …
I've seen this referenced a couple times recently. Must be a meme I missed ... I mean, my cats hang out in the barn rafters (including here in the office), but I never thought it was important enough to comment on ... Don't bother replying, I'll metacrawl it if I ever get bored enough.
"May" be using it to silence politcal dissent? "May"? Of course they are. It's kinda what they do.
More interestingly, I'd like to see the mental health and sex crime statistics 10 years after they succeed. I'd like to see if the "looking at porn makes you a sexual predator" argument holds true.
Guess what, China is NOT the UK or the US; it's a different culture with different values - if the Chinese government tried to put up the amount of CCTV/Speed cameras we've got in the UK there would probably be a revolt... whereas we bend over and take it up the arse whilst still believing we're in a free country.
Democracy in the UK means knee-jerk reactions to whatever issue the media has taken an interest in this week; fuelled by the diseased imaginings of frothy mouthed idiots barely capable of tying their own shoelaces.
They're taking away every freedom we've ever had and intruding further and further into our personal lives and the drooling window-lickers are fucking loving them for it because it saves us from terrorists/paedophiles/the bogey man/ourselves or what-the-fuck-ever.
So sit there and look all smug and superior because you're not living under the repressive Chinese regime without ever realising you're living in an equally repressive regime in the UK that just happens to be a _little_ more subtle about it.
i just don't what the bloody big fuss about porn is? if mature adults want to watch or engage in porn, then it's nobody's bloody business but theirs ..... as for protecting the kiddies, install a bloody password protected filter ......
I can understand the religious nutcases telling you that you will be tortured horribly in hell for all eternity (but still god loves you) if you watch porn (or play with yourself - or both), but what the hell do the communists (supposedly atheist too) have against porn?
"corrupts the morality of our youth" does it? running over students with tanks tends to corrupt youth morality a little too mate .....
bloody poofs
paris hilton cause she's PrOn and will be banned in China very soon....
For the most largely populated country in the world these people really are fucking morons.
The day I let my government treat me like that is the day I give up on life
Oh you mean like in tenement square , were the Chinese government just rolled tanks over the protesters .
Its bit different standing up for your rights in the UK or the US.