Bigger Businesses get targeted by MS Sales
That appears to be a good reason for it.
Ubuntu, is more of a gateway, home user Linux distro isn't it?
It is not something to get your freaky geeky on. Still, it would be nice if those home users and soho's paid for support, then they could stop posting inane questions about their xorg.conf files to the web.
Yes, you should hand roll your own xorg.conf, locate all the fonts, be ready to switch the /dev/input/event number each time you hand roll your own patched for performance kernel, or update udev. If you cannot do that pony up the dosh to get some Ubuntu support, you are not l33t, you are not clever, you are but a user, act like one, and stop kidding yourself you are getting it on tick to pay back later.
The Ubuntu hoards have really dumbed down the average Linux user, and they are a bunch of freeloaders, they don't care about open source, they don't look at the code, they just see free as in not having to pay any money for it. Boy they just don't get it.
And it is not Ubuntu's fault, they are trying to make it viable, they have put money into the desktop, they have the support lines, they make a pretty good distro for users.
There is no such thing as free, you have to win the knowledge somehow. And to expect developers who have won the knowledge both in software creation, copious man pages and technical literature to just dole it out for nothing, in easy don't make my brain boggle portions, and to be their own personal unpaid hell desks, just stinks of selfishness, over inflated self importance and arrogance.
The open source world doesn't need market share, they don't get paid for it. It is just plainly evident that when you understand computer systems, and develop solutions, open source is a lot better for many things, but not for users for that you need Ubuntu or RedHat support.