It doesn't matter...
...what the Lords pontificate on, or what conclusions they might reach, NuLabour will, as they have shown time and again, go right ahead and completely disregard it in their ceaseless push to create a 'benevolent dictatorship' here in the UK. This is a very simple construct and works on a few proven basics: whenever the proposed erosion of civil liberties looks like it might be running into the sand, just get a few Government Ministers to pop their heads above the parapet and whisper the magic words 'terrorists' and 'child pornographers' to representatives of a suitably pliant, craven and uncritical press. Job done.
This is why they will win every time - over CCTVs, ID cards, online censorship and huge central government data stores. This is why they will win the legal right to snoop on everyone, all the time, and why they will ultimately decide what the individual citizen will read, write, watch and play. They built their edifice of 'terror' and 'indecency' so it couldn't be argued with. They built it so it was enshrined in law. They built it to reject criticism on pain of imprisonment - or so that at the very least its critics (if there are any) are reduced to no more than 'terrorist sympathisers' and 'latent kiddie fiddlers'. And they built it slowly, so that we might not notice the edifice going up around us.
Paris - because, like all of us, she's sinking like a bug on peach.