Isn't that where Cable & Wireless are based. Spooky eh.
On a different note, howcome this story
hasn't appeared yet... saving it for the Playmobil?
Motorola, the bit that makes money selling networks rather than the handset division that loses money making phones, has been testing 4th generation networks in Swindon, demonstrating calls over Long Term Evolution (LTE) connections. The Swindon-based lab demonstrated voice calls and data streaming using the LTE standard, …
i actually live in swindon, and based on my knowledge of the place i am very dubious regarding the accuracy of this story, maybe it's actually taking place in one of the smaller villages or industrial parks just outside swindon?
-based on the fact that swindon's main features are the magic roundabout, and the steam museum, a veritable cultural and technological marvel </hint of sarcasm>
Sounds like recycled 3G PR shit to me.
Remember how it was going to revolutionise the market but never did, then came 3.5G which people only bought into when they made data cheap as chips but again that old chestnut (you can have 3.6/7.6/14.4 Mbps only if noone else in the radius is using it.
Blah Blah Blah.
Time they changed their tune and stopped making ridiculous claims, least if I buy 3.4GHz CPU I know I'll get one that works around that speed, not under optimum conditions.
Alex wrote:
> may I allude that it is being trailed at the Science Museum
Writing from Pedant's Corner, I feel compelled to point out that you might assume, surmise or possibly even infer (implicitly from the article) that the trial is taking place at the Science Museum (Wroughton) but you may not allude.
Paris because she's been the subject of many allude comment...
"Paris because she's been the subject of many allude comment..."
genius! (that more than excuses the pedantry)
"City of the Future...
You just don't associate such an appellation with... Swindon, do you?"
No, not just because it's actually a town but also because it's a tawdry, dull one too.