re: Typical Novell
More typical of Novell is that they actually invest in their products quite adequately but fail on a grand scale when marketing them.
Netware - brilliant
NDS - gives sliced bread a run for its money.
but we never see them, never hear about them.
Yes the Wordperfect thing was a fiasco, but I suspect it only hastened what was going to happen anyway. *nix is a better app server, netware a better file/network server but windows has made huge in-roads into both areas by looking like the default client desktop.
Novell's marketing is still awful after all these years: "Access Manager", "Compliance Manager", "iManager" are all listed under "Products A-Z." I was bored before I got anywhere near them, despite the fact I suspect they are rather good pieces of software.
They need to get some decent marketers and put their product and message out there (flash demo, trial VM or whatever) so people can quickly grasp why they should go to Novell rather than relying on AD or work their way through openldap.