It's a crime people are getting paid to invent this stuff.
We have perfectly adequate laws for dealing with lawlessness.
This is the kind of crap you get with a “Nanny State”. Parents and teachers are afraid to discipline children. And children like to test boundaries, I know because I used to be one. Sometimes the answer is a smacked arse, or being carted round to the house owner whose window they broke and made to do chores for them.
Recently a couple of kids caused £1000 of damage to a church by setting off the fire extinguishers. Their parents forced them to go back to the church and, in front of the congregation, apologise for the damage they caused. I think that was an example of good parenting.
Just teaching a child some respect goes a long way to averting unruly behaviour. Simple acts like holding a door open for someone can go miles. A lesson a lot of adults could learn too.
As for the punishment of crimes, the UK has it all wrong. Prisoners are a resource to be used. Why not have hard labour for criminals who are multiple offenders or show no remorse for their crimes? It would help businesses; need to hire an expensive JCB to dig a trench or ask the local prison for a dozen lags to dig it? The prison could be remunerated for the cost of the officers, armed with tazers and shotguns to look after them. It’s better than a prisoner sitting there in a cell watching TV. Prison is meant to be a punishment after all. I’m put in mind of a case where a non English-speaking guy raped a woman so that he could get a place to live (in prison) and be taught English. Sick.
How the UK treats people who are not nationals is also wrong. Based on each cases merit, there are times when the best thing to do is deport them. I don’t care if they are wanted for crimes in their own country and may get a death sentence. Perhaps they should of thought of that before committing a crime in the UK!
There are millions of taxpayer pounds paid to lags in prison that have an accident in prison and sue for compensation. Excuse me, you committed a crime, suing the state for falling on your arse should not be an option.
Our judges seem to be a law unto themselves, can anyone remember (without looking it up) where a judge has been prosecuted for giving an entirely rubbish sentence for a crime? For instance, a judge dismissed a case against a young woman who was assaulted as she got out of her car, she could identify the assailants. Why was this dismissed? The judge decided that she was “too good a witness” and she would “prejudice” the jury. The judge clearly had mental health issues.
This post is already too long and I have not even started on the lack of policing, too much paperwork and not enough cops on the beat.
Jacqui Smith and the other twats running this country into the ground should concentrate on what’s important, rather then defending their so called image and their expense bills.
By the way, the AC who posted “Christ, she's mad.”
“"Yo, MoFo- I iz got like 4 'undred friends on facebook. My "Da Crips" posse is well bigger than your "thuh bluds" massive, innit?"
"Oh, I iz gonna kill you fo' that, beeyatch" *unfriends*
Is this sort of thing really a problem?”
Yes, it’s a problem, if you have any kind of love of the English language. Mind you, your reference to “Da Crips” did remind me of a South Park episode evolving Timmmy! The incorrect spelling deliberate.