May I be the first... welcome our fuel dispensing overlords.
The US Air Force may demonstrate a small ground robot capable of refuelling aeroplanes unassisted next year, according to reports. Flight International says that the US Air Force Research Laboratory Materials and Manufacturing Directorate is developing the robot. Initially it will refuel the much-maligned F-35 Joint Strike …
Well, as far as I'm concerned you can all complain about the usage of 'mobe' fifty times an hour and we'll still use it if we feel so inclined. I don't understand how commentards think that if they shout long and loud enough, we'll eventually give in to their demands.
But if you feel you have to get your frustration on this issue off your chest, hey, go nuts.
mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe, mobe,
... the rather good Stephen King short story "Trucks" from the "Night Shift" anthology...?
(Unfortunately he then made the mistake of trying to make it into a film himself which turned into the rather execrable Maximum Overdrive of which the only redeeming feature was the soundtrack by AC/DC)
One pimply youth pushed through basic training and on minimum USAF wage is not that expensive, doesn't cost too much to feed and clothe, and can even pick up a rifle and fight in a last ditch defence of an airbase. So how many youths does one refueler bot replace, and at what price? Unless the ratio is very beneficial, I can't see it being any cheaper, not unless you're using the same tech for real fighting bots and the program is just a way to spread some of the development costs outside the existing budget. Or unless the air industry is just using USAF money to save the cost of developing refueler bots for commercial airline operations.